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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Rosedale Partnerships: Bargaining is (finally) moving forward

We will be heading into mediation soon

Sep 23, 2021

BARGAINING UPDATE: Rosedale Partnerships Local 047, Chapter 055

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After years of stalling and delays, your negotiations team at Rosedale Partnership is happy to announce that bargaining is moving forward.

On September 13, the Alberta Labour Relations Board (ALRB) ordered your negotiations team and the employer to enter four days of mediation. This is exactly the result that your negotiations team had been hoping for, because our bargaining with the employer has reached an impasse. We’re happy to have an independent mediator step in and guide the process.

If those four days of mediation don’t result in a tentative agreement, the ALRB will likely order us into enhanced mediation—a similar process where both sides will be under greater pressure to make a deal.

Your negotiations team and the employer have agreed on a mediator, and are currently filing the paperwork to begin the process. Once that is done, we will be working to set up the specific dates for mediation.

This is our first collective agreement, so it’s extremely important that we set up a strong baseline—both for this contract, and for the agreements that will follow. That’s why it’s so important to support your negotiations team at the bargaining table. When our work floor is united, the employer needs to take us seriously.

This ALRB decision brings us one step closer to achieving a fair first contract. What happens next is up to us. If we stand together behind our negotiations team, we can win.

Please reach out to the negotiations team with any questions, concerns, or feedback.

Rosedale Negotiating Team
Nimbel Lagenio:      

Eugene Galliguez:  

Geraldine Sagalla:  

AUPE Staff Resources
Chris Dickson, Negotiator:

Jaime Urbina, Organizer:

Guy Quenneville, Membership Services Officer:

Mimi Williams, Communications:


News Category

  • Bargaining updates


  • 047 - Continuing Care Separate Employers North


  • Health care

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