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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Revera Churchill, 047/007, All Staff

Tentative Agreement Reached

Aug 20, 2021

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On August 13, your negotiations team reached a tentative agreement with the employer and is recommending a YES vote in favour of it. This agreement will bring in a 4.5-per-cent wage increase over 3 years and provide for staff uniforms among other improvements to our working conditions. Below are some highlights of the language we negotiated, so you can make an informed vote.

Stay tuned for more information about the voting process, which will be by mail-in ballot. There will also be an opportunity to join an online meeting on August 30 from 1pm to 3pm to ask any questions you may have.

For more information, please contact:

Nothando Mkwananzi, negotiations team member 780-885-3485

Michelle Szalynski, Organizer or 403-634-8262

Merryn Edwards, Negotiator or 780-952-1951


Tentative Agreement Summary:

Term of Agreement

  • The agreement will be in effect January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2022.

Monetary Items

  • General wage increases for all staff:
    • Jan. 1, 2020 – 1.75%
    • Jan. 1, 2021 – 1.50%
    • Jan. 1 2022 – 1.25%
  • Uniforms and Protective Apparel
    • Revera would provide one more round of uniforms at the employer's cost for 2021, following ratification. Under this agreement, you would have 3 weeks to let the employer know if you want a new uniform (as stated in the Letter of Understanding), and you would start accumulating 8 cents per hour on your paycheques for uniforms starting in the new year (2022). If you choose not to take a uniform during this three-week period, the tentative agreement stipulates that you would start collecting the 8 cents per hour immediately, upon ratification.
    • Expanded uniform allowance to all employees. (See the rate at which you will accumulate your allowance, depending on your position, in the table below).
  • Registration Fees
    • Increased CLPNA registration reimbursement for LPNs to $250 (up from $200). This applies to the 2020 and 2021 years too. So, upon ratification, members will receive a total of $350 in reimbursement after they submit their request for reimbursement of their 2022 registration fees.

Non-Monetary Items

  • Layoff, Recall and Severance
    • Clarifies a layoff procedure and includes layoff provisions that require the employer to consult with the union and mitigate the negative effects of layoffs on members.
  • Leave of Absence
    • Maternal, parental and adoptive leave updated to meet Alberta’s employment standards.
  • Respect in the Workplace
  • Seniority
    • Seniority ends after 2.5 years absence due to illness unless there is a medically supported expectation of return to work.
  • Staff Parking
    • The word “underground” deleted but the employer’s commitment to maintain free parking for staff in the existing parkade is maintained. The employer currently has no plans to develop surface parking. 

News Category

  • Bargaining updates


  • Health care

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