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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Payroll chaos continues as GOA fails to fix 1GX

AUPE continues to fight, but we need your help to force the employer to act

Aug 09, 2021

AUPE continues to fight; we need your help to force employer to act

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Payroll problems continue to hurt AUPE members employed by the Government of Alberta (GOA), but your union is still fighting to make the employer find a permanent solution.

It’s vital that any members who are continuing to experience issues continue to work with your Membership Services Officers (MSOs).  

AUPE has filed a policy grievance and is moving the issue to arbitration. Unfortunately, this is not a quick process. Like any legal process, it can be lengthy and is measured in months and years rather than days and weeks, especially if the employer drags its feet.

To support the policy grievance, it’s important that members also file individual grievances when they have payroll problems. While these can also take time if the employer stalls, the more grievances that are filed, the greater the pressure we can put on the employer.

If you have been hit by 1GX payroll problems and have not yet filed a grievance, please contact your MSO and do so.

If you have already filed a grievance and continue to experience problems, please inform your MSO of the latest issues. It may be necessary to file further grievances.

The chaos that members are experiencing and the fact that this is still happening nine months after the introduction of 1GX is understandably causing frustration and anger.

This system was obviously put into place when it wasn’t ready and when it was incapable of handling the complexities of handling payroll and schedules for tens of thousands of workers on vastly different schedules.

Filing a grievance is easy and powerful. Simply:

  1. Report the problem to 1GX and get a ticket number;
  2. Report the problem to your manager – in writing or by email; and
  3. Report the problem to your MSO to file your grievance. Just call the Member Resource Centre (MRC) at 1-800-232-7284, or click here.

Your employer continues to treat you with disrespect by failing to fix this serious problem. Many members are experiencing real hardship because of the 1GX fiasco. We need to work together to force the GOA to take real action.

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