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Bargaining Update: Chartwell Emerald Hills 047/059

Attention Chartwell Emerald Hills members! Be sure you're being payed what you're owed!

Aug 16, 2021

Bargaining Update: Chartwell Emerald Hills 047/059

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Since our last bargaining update, your negotiating team has been meeting to review your responses to the bargaining survey. We wish to extend our sincere thanks to those of you who took the time to indicate your priorities in these negotiations. The survey results will guide us in developing the proposals we present to the employer.

As you know, your union had to file a formal complaint with the Alberta Labour Relations Board (ALRB) when the employer refused to honour step increases. We are happy to report that the employer has seen the light and agreed to honour your scheduled step increases according to the grid below, retroactive to the date they should have been implemented.


PositionStepRate of Pay (2019)
Probation - 480 hours
Year One - 1,950 hours
Probation - 480 hours
Year One - 1,950 hours
Year Two - 3,900 hours
Probation - 480 hours
Year One - 1,950 hours
Year Two - 3,900 hours
Probation - 480 hours
Year One - 1,950 hours
Probation - 480 hours
Year One - 1,950 hours
Probation - 480 hours
Year One - 1,950 hours
Maintenance AideStart
Probation - 480 hours
Year One - 1,950 hours
Activity AideStart
Probation - 480 hours
Year One - 1,950 hours
Probation - 480 hours
Year One - 1,950 hours


If you are not being paid at the rate you should be or did not receive the full amount of retroactive pay, please let both your manager and your Membership Services Officer (MSO) know so that we can resolve any situation where you are not being paid what you deserve as quickly as possible.

Thank you to the members who brought this matter to our attention. It’s a great example of how union membership goes both ways: your union can only respond to the information you share. Please continue to bring any concerns you may have to the attention of your bargaining committee.

Chartwell Emerald Hills Negotiating Team

Teresa Shesky – 780-240-6183
Christine Mabute – 780-885-7558
Ashley StPierre – 226-787-4946

Kayleigh McCaskill – 780-691-5808
Whitney Rosborough - 780-860-4019

AUPE Resource Staff
Merryn Edwards, Negotiations – 780-952-1951
Guy Quenneville, Membership Services Officer – 780-237-8253
Michelle Szalynski, Organizing – 403-634-8262
Mimi Williams, Communications – 780-240-3562

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  • Bargaining updates


  • Bargaining Update: Chartwell Emerald Hills 047/059


  • Health care

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