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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Mountain View: AUPE still recognizes NC members’ union Rights

Bethany Care Society thinks a change of ownership means no more union. We're fighting them at the ALRB.

May 31, 2021

Local 048, Chapters 042 and 045 Mountain View Senior’s Housing

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Despite the employer’s claims that Nursing Care workers at Mountain View Senior’s Housing are no longer members of AUPE, your union still recognizes all the rights that come with your union membership.  

In September 2020, Mountain View Senior’s Housing sold its nursing care operation to Bethany Care Society. Bethany took charge of nursing care at both the Sundre Senior’s Supportive Living and Mount View Lodge locations, where AUPE is the certified bargaining agent for all employees.

Since the sale, Bethany Care Society has been attempting to create confusion at the site by telling Nursing Care workers that they are no longer unionized with AUPE. Your union is challenging the employer at the Alberta Labour Relations Board.  

We condemn this dishonest campaign by the employer, which is trying to convince you that you no longer have the rights that are enshrined in your collective agreement. Despite the employer’s claims, the ALRB has not ruled on this case yet, and any attempt by the employer to present this as a done deal is nothing more than a tactic to sow confusion.  

While we fight this union-busting campaign at the ALRB, we want to make clear—NC members still have full rights within AUPE.  

You can still contact your Membership Services Officer (MSO) if you have any problems, and we will still be filing grievances on behalf of NC members at Mountain View. If your employer violates those rights, then contact your MSO to file a grievance by calling the Member Resource Centre at 1-800-232-7284.

You also have the right to participate in your union’s democratic structures as full members. We strongly encourage you to participate in your upcoming AGM. You have the right to present yourself as a candidate for election, to vote, and to bring motions. We will have dates for upcoming AGMs soon, so keep an eye out for those dates.

To participate in your AGM, just create a personal MyAUPE account if you don’t have one already. Create your account on to receive all bargaining news and important union updates. Sign up to get more involved in our union!

You have fought for the gains that are enshrined in your collective agreement, and we aren’t going to let the new owner rip that away. We will continue fighting to ensure that you’re protected at work, and that your employer doesn’t take away your rights. Our most powerful tool is solidarity, and we’re going to continue to exercise it.

We expect our ALRB case to be settled by the Fall. In the meantime, get in touch with your local and chapter, and keep your MSO informed of any new developments.

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  • Member update


  • 048 - Continuing Care Separate Employers South


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