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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

More jobs axed at Medicine Hat College

Government has ‘no plan to get Albertans back to work,’ says AUPE

Feb 12, 2021

Government has ‘no plan to get Albertans back to work,’ says AUPE

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MEDICINE HAT – Medicine Hat College has cut more jobs as the attacks on post-secondary-institutions in Alberta continues.

The college has terminated the positions of three food-service workers and two cooks who belong to the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE).
They had been on temporary layoffs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This follows the loss of 13 jobs earlier this month, including one AUPE member who was a wellness programmer, after a cut in funding from the Alberta government.

“The UCP government needs to do more to support post-secondary institutions and workers as this province faces the crisis of the pandemic and economic collapse,” says Karen Weiers, vice-president of AUPE, which represents more than 90,000 workers.

“The government should be using Medicine Hat College and other educational institutions to help Albertans upgrade their skills and find work, to help build an economic recovery,” she says.

“This government promised to create jobs, but all we see is more people on unemloyment. There seems to be no plan to get Albertans back to work.”


Karen Weiers is available to comment.
For more information, contact Terry Inigo-Jones, communications officer, 403-831-4394 or


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