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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Bargaining Survey Opens at Norquest College

Bargaining Update for Local 071, Chapter 10

Feb 16, 2021

What do you want out of your next collective agreement?

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Take your bargaining survey here!

Our bargaining team is preparing for negotiations with the employer at Norquest College. In order for our negotiating committee to properly convey our demands at the table, the committee has launched a bargaining survey.

By filling out the survey, which will only take a few minutes, you’re letting your negotiators know what your priorities are for your next contract. The more of us fill the survey out, the stronger our negotiating committee will be at the bargaining table, and the better our next contract will be.

With the results of the survey, our negotiating committee will identify our priorities, and create written proposals to negotiate improvements to our next collective agreement. We will keep all responses to the survey confidential. It is important that you do not read or complete the survey during work hours. 

The survey will be open until March 1. Please complete it before then, and don’t forget to send it to your co-workers to get their input as well. Feel free to reach out to our negotiating committee if you have any questions—their contact information is at the bottom of this update. 

Together, we’re going to win a better contract!

Take your bargaining survey here!

Your Negotiating Committee: 
Katharine Carmichael: 
Leslie Marquardt: 
Irena Darrah: 
AUPE Resource Staff: 
Terry M Luhoway (Negotiator): 
Darcy Thiessen (Organizer): 
Mimi Williams (Communications):

News Category

  • Bargaining updates


  • 071 - Colleges and School Divisions


  • Education

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