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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Member Update Local 006

This week the Alberta government’s Children’s Services Ministry released its plan to address ongoing challenges and concerns in the province’s child interventio

Jun 29, 2018

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Your union and Local 006 leadership have taken some time to review the plan, which includes 16 recommendations to be completed by next April, along with another 39 recommendations to be completed by 2022.

AUPE believes the province has taken steps in the right direction with the efforts unveiled in the plan, titled “A Stronger, Safer Tomorrow.” However, we also believe that the province has failed to address key concerns that have long been raised by the union and its membership that delivers these services.

It is laudable that the plan intends to improve workplace culture within the department by undertaking a review, and we are pleased to see an intention to seek input and collaboration from AUPE to do this. However, the overwhelming concerns of our members remains untenable workloads. Any plans to improve workplace culture or conditions will be undermined if heavy caseloads are allowed to persist.

Front-line child intervention staff are struggling under the weight of demanding files, and the government’s plan did not include steps toward alleviating this challenge in a meaningful way. To take this challenge seriously, the Alberta government must ensure that its child intervention system is properly staffed. Without the adequate resources and staff to carry out this work, even the best system can’t function as it is meant to.

The province also seems unwilling to examine the efficiency and effect of its policy to contract out some child intervention services to agencies. Too many of these agencies lack effective oversight and their staff unfortunately too often receive inadequate training.

The union was also disappointed to see a lack of reference to the role of group homes within the system. These homes, if supported properly and staffed appropriately, can create an environment in which children and youth can thrive. Our hope is that the province ensures continued investments and support for staff in these homes for youth in need.

We will continue to monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the province’s plan. The ministry has indicated that in fall 2018 it will introduce amendments to the Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act. These changes will be aimed at incorporating guiding principles in the act, increasing oversight and accountability, and supporting cultural connections. AUPE will carefully review these upcoming changes and will continue to advocate that our members providing services within the child intervention system are given the support they need to be successful in their work.

If members have any questions or concerns about these changes, you are encouraged to contact your Local 006 executive. Visit for more information.

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  • Union updates


  • Government Services

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