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Member Update: Chartwell Emerald Hills, 047/059

Preparing for Bargaining

Jun 29, 2021

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On June 24 and 25, your bargaining committee met for the first time along with our AUPE negotiator to prepare for bargaining with Chartwell.

Bargaining Survey Coming Soon

A bargaining survey will go out soon to all members for whom we have up-to-date contact information. It is important that we hear from you to learn what your priorities are for improving our working conditions and achieving a fair, negotiated collective bargaining agreement.

Don’t miss out on having your say and staying informed!

You can update your contact information online or by calling AUPE’s Member Resource Centre at 1-800-232-7284.

Chartwell’s Wage Freeze

Your bargaining committee is working with AUPE staff to address concerns about the current wage freeze.

Chartwell management has said that while union negotiations are going on they will not provide step increases that employees would normally have received based on their hours of service (for example at 480 and 1950 hours worked). They are also denying enrolment in benefits and other entitlements for employees who have become full-time.

We believe Chartwell’s decision is a violation of legal protections, which exist to stop employers from changing employment terms after workers have unionized. AUPE is in the process of filing a complaint to the Alberta Labour Relations Board (ALRB) about Chartwell’s actions.

If you have been impacted by the wage freeze or denied benefits you believe you are entitled to, please let us know. We will keep you updated about the ALRB complaint as we have more information.

Solidarity with Other Chartwell Sites

Our sisters and brothers at Chartwell Griesbach and Heritage Valley are moving closer to achieving their first collective agreement. An arbitration hearing is underway which will decide the terms and conditions of their contract. This decision will also affect our negotiations at Emerald Hills. The hearing will conclude on July 7, with the final decision coming in the following months.

As the first Chartwell workers to unionize in Alberta, those workers have had an uphill battle. We wish them all the best and will let you know the outcome of the arbitration as soon as we know more.

Get Involved!

We are stronger when we work together! Your bargaining committee is looking for other members who are willing to help communicate with all our members at Emerald Hills.

Opportunities exist for Chartwell members to attend union training and information meetings in July. These meetings and training sessions will be held virtually on Zoom, and AUPE will cover your salary, so you will still be paid as if you worked on those days.

If you are interested in attending, please let one of your bargaining committee members and/or AUPE resource staff know as soon as possible, as spaces are limited!

We are committed to keeping all members at Emerald Hills informed throughout the bargaining process. Please don’t hesitate to contact your bargaining committee members and/or AUPE resource staff with any questions, concerns or feedback you may have.

Thank you for your support!

Chartwell Emerald Hills Bargaining Committee:

Teresa Shesky – 780-240-6183

Christine Mabute – 780-885-7558

Ashley StPierre – 226-787-4946


Kayleigh McCaskill – 780-691-5808

Whitney Rosborough - 780-860-4019

AUPE Resource Staff:

Merryn Edwards, Negotiations – 780-952-1951

Guy Quenneville, Membership Services Officer – 780-237-8253

Michelle Szalynski, Organizing – 403-634-8262

Mimi Williams, Communications – 780-240-3562

News Category

  • Member update


  • Member Update: Chartwell Emerald Hills, 047/059


  • Health care

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