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Local 040 Covenant Care Sites Consolidated to One Table

Each bargaining unit will maintain autonomy and will each hold their own ratification vote if a tentative agreement is reached.

Dec 15, 2023

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Both parties have agreed to consolidate the bargaining for all Covenant Care job sites to one main table. This includes the newly organized Centre De Sante Saint-Thomas.

Currently, one collective agreement is in effect for Chateau Vitaline, Holy Cross Manor, St. Marguerite Manor, and Villa Marie. This means that Foyer Lacombe, St. Teresa Place, and Centre de Sante Saint-Thomas will be incorporated into the main agreement. 

Bargaining will proceed with a no-concession stance, raising the floor for all members of Local 040 at Covenant Care. Even though there will be one main agreement, each bargaining unit will maintain their autonomy, and will each hold their own ratification vote if a tentative agreement is reached. Any anomalies pertaining to a specific job site will be addressed in the agreement appendices, if needed.

We truly appreciate the outstanding level of participation that we’ve seen from members filling out bargaining surveys and engaging with your organizers Scott and Stephanie.

The first meeting to commence negotiations with the employer are set for January 23 and February 26/27 in Calgary; and March 4-5, 18-19 in Edmonton.

If you have any questions about this update, please contact Christian Tetreault at

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  • Bargaining updates


  • Local 040 Covenant Care Sites Consolidated to One Table


  • Health care

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