Take your bargaining survey and have your say!
Your new negotiating team is going to start bargaining soon. We will be bargaining for our first ever collective agreement, which will make life better for all of us at work. But before we bargain, we need to know what you think is important.
Click here to take our survey. Please complete the survey before it closes on Monday, February 20th.
This is your chance to show your negotiating team what matters to you. We need to hear everyone’s opinions on how to make work better for all of us.
Better wages, better benefits, changes to your hours, overtime, shifts and vacations. These are all issues that we can fight for in bargaining.
This is the power of joining a union. We can use our united voice to make positive changes for us and the residents we care for.
Please do not take the survey during work time – only on your break or day off.
If you have any questions, please contact a member of your negotiating team or AUPE resource staff.
Lorna Cruz, lcruz1473@yahoo.com or 587-439-0423
Vish Rathnayaka, vishakarox18@gmail.com or 780-207-5929
Vicky Resuelo, mystery_1124@yahoo.com or 604-339-373
Christian Tetreault, Negotiator, c.tetreault@aupe.org
Jennifer Garrison, Organizing Membership Services Officer, j.garrison@aupe.org
Jaime Urbina, Organizer, j.urbina@aupe.org
Kavi Chahal, Communications, k.chahal@aupe.org