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Happy International Women’s Day: DOVE award winner announced

Today is International Women’s Day (IWD), and to mark the occasion, the Alberta Union of Provincial Employee’s

Mar 08, 2019

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This year’s deserving DOVE award recipient is Audrey Randall. Audrey has passionately served the Peace River community as a Local 001 member for years. The award will be presented to her at a celebration March 27.

Every year, AUPE’s Women’s Committee selects a winner for the DOVE award: one woman in the union who tirelessly ties women’s advancement and worker advancement together.

In her long career, Audrey has filled many union roles, including Chapter Chair, Local secretary, PE representative, bargaining committee member, union steward, and convention delegate, among others. She’s used these positions to share her knowledge and organize fellow members to advance each other’s well-being.

“History has shown us time and again when women stand up together and fight for true equality, everyone’s life improves,” said Susan Slade, AUPE Vice President and Chair of the Women’s Committee.

“This is why we hand out the DOVE award; because every step forward women take together is hard won. IWD is about celebrating our advancements, while acknowledging the long road we still have ahead of us.”

First proposed in Copenhagen at a conference of more than 100 women representing unions and other labour groups, IWD has strong ties to the workers’ movement. Women’s rights are rarely separate from other progressive movements that seek to liberate different communities from oppression.

“To challenge patriarchy is to push for a world where we support everyone, rather than compete, and to ensure we all get the care and resources we need,” adds Slade.

This year, AUPE’s Women’s Committee donated to Edmonton’s Women for Rights and Empowerment, who are hosting two IWD events in the city. We encourage everyone in the area to attend if they’re able:

March 8

Dinner and Discussion

6:30 p.m.

Select Restaurant

10018 106 Street

Tickets $10 on Eventbrite.

March 10

Rally, March and Cultural Forum

2 p.m.

Cosmopolitan Music Society

8426 Gateway Blvd.

Doors at 2 p.m.; rally at 2:30 p.m.; March down Whyte Ave at 3 p.m.


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  • Union updates


  • Women's committee