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Fight back against the UCP's job-killing laundry privatization scheme

Jason Kenney, Tyler Shandro, and AHS are killing hundreds of jobs by privatizing laundry services. Sign AUPE's petition to fight back and demand Shandro resign!

Apr 29, 2021

Fight back against the UCP's job-killing laundry privatization scheme

We can't trust Tyler!

Premier Kenney and his Health Minister, Tyler Shandro, are trying to put hundreds of health care workers out of a job, and in the middle of a pandemic! 

On April 27, 2021, Alberta Health Services (AHS) announced K-Bro Linen Systems has been selected to take over all laundry services for AHS, with Covenant Health laundry services to follow suit. 

This privatization scheme — carried out by AHS at Kenney and Shandro’s demand — will kill 428 rural, family-supporting jobs across Alberta. What’s worse, many of these jobs are held by low-income women and some of the most vulnerable workers in the province. 

AUPE members and all Albertans must stand up for public health care, rural jobs, and for our fellow Albertans who are at risk of losing everything because of the UCP's privatization scheme.

Take a stand against Shandro

Click here to sign AUPE’s petition calling for Health Minister Shandro to resign

Health Minister Tyler Shandro is the kind of guy who... 

  • Wants to cut 11,000 health care jobs during a pandemic, which includes these laundry workers! 

  • Is rash and disrespectful, like when he yelled at a doctor in their driveway! 

  • Ripped up the doctors’ contract, and couldn’t negotiate a new one because they no longer trust him! 

  • Creates chaos, confusion, and distrust with all Albertans which cannot be undone! 

  • And privatizes health care while holding shares in his wife’s private health company! 

A Health Minister who carries out privatization and cuts to our health services during a pandemic is not fit to be our Health Minister. Sign our petition and demand Shandro resign! 

Follow AUPE on social media for soon-to-come opportunities to fight for public health care.


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