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Extendicare bows to pressure, offers wage increases

Bargaining update for members working for Extendicare, Locals 047 and 048 Chapter 023

May 04, 2022

Employer significantly alters monetary proposals

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After an extended process and delays from the employer, your AUPE negotiating team’s successful application to the Alberta Labour Relations Board resulted in a return to the bargaining table on April 22. This latest round of negotiations saw the employer make a dramatic shift in their monetary proposal.

The employer previously tabled 4% wage rollbacks, an insulting and untenable offer that your AUPE negotiating team had no intent of entertaining, much less accepting. An organization that has repeatedly reported profits, paid tens of millions of dollars to shareholders, and paid double bonuses to managers attempted to do so on the backs of us, the hard working and dedicated Extendicare workers.

Because of your solidarity and resistance, the employer is now offering:
•    2018 – 0%
•    2019 – 1 percent retroactive general wage increase
•    2020 – 0% 2021 – 1% plus 1% lump sum on all 2021 hrs worked
•    2022 - 1.25% general wage increase.
•    2023 – 2% plus 2% for employees with 20 years of service based on the number of hours per year on the grid

While your negotiating team considers this a significant win for members, the employer is still pushing many other unacceptable proposals. Among these is the insistence that the following language remain in the collective agreement:

Where call-in work is available, Part-time Employees wishing to work additional hours shall and who so indicate in writing at least seven (7) days prior to the posting of the schedule and shall be given preference on a seniority basis up to full time hours. A part-time employee’s availability it will be relied upon by the Employer until it is revised in writing. Where call-in work becomes available for a shift that starts within ninety-six (96) or fewer hours three (3) or fewer calendar days before the shift is to commence, the Employer will offer available call-in work to both Part-time and Casual Employees on an equitable basis.

Your negotiating team’s firm stance remains that hours be maximized for part-time employees. We will not accept this shift to splitting those hours with casual employees. This proposition, coupled with the reduction to our Group Benefits Plan and reduced contribution to our RRSPs, are significant rollbacks that are unsustainable for members struggling with an economic recession, inflation, and a slow recovery from the pandemic.

Your negotiating team remains dedicated to fighting for you. We will not make any concessions. As always, please reach out to your negotiating team or AUPE Resource Staff with any questions or input.


Katie Seaward (Athabasca) or 780-676-0884
Kathy Findlater (Cedars Villa) 403-606-5044 (c) or 403-271-8740 (h)
Natasha Ng (Eaux Claires) or 780-938-1404
Theresa Lawrence (Fairmont) or 403-308-3345
Judith Cseresnyes (Holyrood) or 780-945-7647
Paul McDowell (Mayerthorpe) or 780-268-4110
Mike Peterson (Michener Hill) or 587-877-6587


Jason Rattray Negotiations
Jamie Urbina Organizing
Margaret Kapuwa Organizing
Alexander Delorme Communications


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  • Bargaining updates


  • 047 - Continuing Care Separate Employers North
  • 048 - Continuing Care Separate Employers South


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