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EMCON refuses to comply with Labour Board’s order to share financials

Frank has delayed bargaining until June and refused to comply with the Labour Board. Read the update for 118/024, 025, 026, 027 members here.

Apr 08, 2022

EMCON refuses to share financial info with us, despite board order

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The Alberta Labour Relations Board ruled that Emcon must share the company’s financial information with us. This financial information is key to the entire bargaining process. Once we review the company’s financials, we will have a better understanding of what proposals to make at the table.

However, Frank has so far refused to comply with the Labour Board’s decision. The Board made its decision on March 15. We did not receive the information from Frank. We then wrote to Frank to advise him we would go back to the board if we did not receive the info by March 28. Frank did not respond to us, and we have still not received the information.

AUPE councel Bill Rigutto emailed Gerhard Seifner, councel for EMCON. He indicated the financial disclosure has not been provided as ordered by the Board. Mr. Seifner responded with a far more restrictive and frankly obstructive disclosure arrangement than what was ordered by the board.
Bill replied to Mr. Seifner stating:

“Unfortunately what Mr. Rizzardo suggests is not compliant with the Board's directive nor is it convenient to and appropriate for the purposes of the disclosure. I respectfully reiterate my request of last Friday that such documents be transmitted to Jason Rattray by the end of business on Friday, April 8, failing which we will have no choice but to direct the matter back to the Board. Thanks in advance.”

Your team may be forced to seek the Labour Board’s help once again to resolve this situation. We are doing this because we use every tool at our disposal to get the best deal for you. Frank is not above the law, and we will not rest until he has complied with the Labour Board.

Responding to Frank’s email

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Additionally, since the Labour Board’s decision, Frank has emailed a number of allegations and falsehoods to staff.

  1. Frank says your team has stalled and cancelled bargaining meetings.
    • This is not true. Your team rejected Frank’s insulting offer, which is our right to do in bargaining. We are not forced to accept whatever Frank throws us.
    • Frank’s litigiousness has frustrated members and even helped CLAC in its efforts to raid us.
    • Frank says the earliest he could meet us again for bargaining is in June. Do you think that’s reasonable? Don’t you think that sounds like the real delay? Your negotiating team offered to meet as early as sometime in April.
    • We asked for financial information so we could come up with reasonable proposals based on Frank’s budget. But Frank withheld the information and forced us to wait for the Labour Board to order Frank to share this info.
    • In fact, Frank wrote to us that he was content to delay bargaining until the Labour Board made its decision. He wrote: “Jason, it would appear that nothing we do will resolve the AUPE ask, I will let the ALRB [Alberta Labour Relations Board] process wind to conclusion.”
  2. Frank says we have made unreasonable proposals for wage increases and tool/safety wear allowances.
    • Your negotiating team has made fair proposals that would help all of us keep up with the skyrocketing cost of living.
    • We went so far as to ask Frank for financial reports so that we could make sure our wage proposals were acceptable based on Frank’s budget. But these are the financial documents he has refused to share!
    • Furthermore, your negotiating team would never share Frank’s financial documents in any way that would provide an unfair benefit to competitors. We WANT EMCON TO SUCCEED. Your job security depends on it, and Frank is wrong if he thinks we would sabotage our own livelihoods. Your team is committed to protecting our jobs.
    • Frank says we have agreed on how much he would cover for safety boots. In fact, we have not agreed to this. Frank has offered to cover 60% of a pair of boots every two years, but only up to a maximum of $100.
    • Emcon workers in Ontario receive $125 per year once they hit 1000 hours worked, which is much more generous.

Frank’s claim that AUPE has stalled negotiations is false. We are bargaining properly. We are following all the steps needed to make sure EMCON members get a contract that improves our wages and working conditions, not just accepting whatever Frank wants us to take.

Next bargaining meetings: June 7, 8, 9

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Our next bargaining meetings are scheduled for June 7, 8, and 9. As mentioned, your team wanted to meet this month, but June is the soonest Frank would agree to.

We have also created a 9-page summary of bargaining up to this point. Please review this document to see just how much work your team has put in for all of us.

Your negotiating team and AUPE resource staff are committed to seeing this through. We will work hard on your behalf so that you ALL benefit from an improved collective agreement. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


Mike Brouwer
Jason Fandrich
Jason MacLeod or 587-201-5094
Bernard Quinn
Dallas Shier


Jason Rattray, Negotiator
Dave Malka, Organizer
Jerry Woods, Membership Services Officer
Alexander Delorme, Communications

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