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Edith Cavell: No More Delays! Ratification Vote Scheduled

Update for Local 084 Chapter 024, Edith Cavell

Nov 21, 2023

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On July 21, Chantelle Management at Edith Cavell walked away from mediation and went silent. AUPE reached out in early October urging the employer to resume negotiations. The employer finally met with your negotiating team on November 2 and 3 and were able to draft a tentative agreement. 

Despite the delays, the employer said they wanted to get a deal done. It’s about time, since the previous collective agreement expired in December 2020. If ratified, the terms of this new agreement would be effective from December 1, 2020 to November 30, 2024.  

Gains in this tentative agreement include a dedicated statutory holiday for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, extending life insurance coverage from age 65 to 70, and a small increase to severance pay for some workers with seniority. 

The tentative agreement includes modest wage gains, with retroactive pay for current members: 

  • 2020 - 0 
  • 2021 – 1% 
  • 2022 – 1% 
  • 2023 – 2% 

The shift premiums for General Support Services would increase, and a 1% lump-sum on all earnings for GSS classifications during 2021 shall be paid out to current employees.  

This increase in shift premiums for GSS workers aligns more closely with the current shift premiums paid for Nursing Care staff. Upon ratification, a market adjustment of 1.5% would also become effective going forward for all HCAs and LPNs. 

We will email you a bargaining survey soon with more details. Keep your eyes out for it! 

A ratification vote is scheduled for November 24, 2023.  

Negotiating Team – Edith Cavell 

Amber Noel 

Shari Chatters 

AUPE Resource Staff 

Darren Gangur, Negotiator 


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  • Health care