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AgeCare Walden Heights: After employer delays, we have an agreement

Update for Local 084 Chapter 006 Agecare Walden Heights Admin and Maintenance

Nov 16, 2023

Ratification will take place onsite November 23

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On October 16 and 17, the parties met in formal mediation. As AgeCare has contracted out the hospitality positions at Walden Heights to Compass, your negotiating team met with each of the two employers on separate days. We are happy to report that we were able to reach tentative agreements with both employers.

Unfortunately, the process of bargaining with AgeCare for our members in admin and maintenance was a significantly more hostile experience than it was with Compass. We did, despite the challenges, finally reach an agreement with AgeCare as well. 

It’s important to note that leading up to formal mediation your negotiating team had not received a change in AgeCare’s monetary proposal for over a year, despite their spokesperson repeatedly agreeing to send one. What she brought to the table was a proposal containing a massive rollback from their previous monetary position. 

We made our frustration clear to the Agecare rep that this entire process over the past 2.5 years could be considered labour relations malpractice. At no point was your employer concerned about you as employees struggling with record inflation or about agreeing to a new contract. Instead of continuing to be disrespected in this fashion, we proposed to head immediately to interest arbitration to settle this long outstanding matter.

The employer deliberated at length after this discussion, then came back with an offer your negotiating team could work with. Shortly after that, we came to an agreement. It is as follows:

A five-year deal spanning June 2, 2020 – June 1, 2025 


  • The Admin Receptionist classification will receive a 7.5% increase for the five years, and they will be immediately moved to their new step on the date of ratification. They will have a new start rate of $15.69 and top out at $17.63 with a 2.5% increase applied June 2, 2024. 
  • The Admin Scheduler classification will receive a 13.5% increase for the five years, and they will be immediately moved to their new step on the date of ratification. They will have a new start rate of $21.48 and top out at $24.24, with a 2.5% increase applied June 2, 2024. 
  • The Admin Assistant and Clinical Office Assistant classifications will receive an 8% increase for the five years, and they will be immediately moved to their new step on the date of ratification. They will have a new start rate of $20.75 and top out at $23.42 with a 2% increase applied June 2, 2024. 
  • The Admin Unit Clerk classification will receive a 6.5% increase for the five years, and they will be immediately moved to their new step on the date of ratification. They will have a new start rate of $20.15 and top out at $22.74, with a 2% increase applied June 2, 2024. 
  • The Maintenance Assistant classification will receive an 8.5% increase for the five years, and they will be immediately moved to their new step date of ratification. They will have a new start rate of $18.97 and top out at $21.43 with a 2.5% increase applied June 2, 2024. 
  • The Maintenance Technician classification will receive a 14% increase for the five years, and they will be immediately moved to their new step on the date of ratification. They will have a new start rate of $22.25 and top out at $26.93, with a 2% increase applied June 2, 2024. 

In lieu of retroactivity, all members will receive a $1500 lump sum payment. 


  • All overtime will now be compensated at two times the basic rate of pay.
  • New language was added ensuring members working on their day off will be paid overtime based on their regular scheduled hours. 
  • On-call pay will increase from $1.25 to $2.25 and a new on-call pay for Named Holidays was added at a rate of $3.00.
  • RRSP contributions will increase from 2% to 4% 
  • Vision care benefits will increase from $200 to $250 plus one fully paid eye exam every 24 months. 


There are many other non-monetary enhancements to the agreement, specifically to the following articles:

  • Article – 6 Harassment and Bullying
  • Article – 8 Probationary Period
  • Article – 11, Appointments and Promotion. 

During discussions, AgeCare’s representative spoke at length about the importance of their employees. In response, your negotiating team pointed out their hypocrisy, as they had the ability to resolve this matter two years ago had they brought us this deal sooner, but instead they stalled and impeded progress to serve their bottom line. 

Your negotiating team is grateful to members for their strength and support during this drawn-out bargaining process. 

A ratification vote will be held onsite on November 23. The time will be announced ahead of the date. 


Joyce Shangarai  

Eli Soysa  

Alex Bundalian  


Christian Tetreault, Negotiations or 403-978-7913 (cell)  

Christine Yargeau-Becker, Organizing   


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  • Bargaining updates
