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Covenant Health: NDTR grievances settled

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation grievances settled
; Members will receive payment for last year and in the future

Aug 15, 2022

Members will receive payment for last year and in the future

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As settlement of the grievances filed by the Union over the matter, Covenant Health has advised that it is prepared to recognize the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (NDTR) as a Named Holiday.

The terms of the settlement are as follows: 

  1. Regular and Temporary Full-time employees who were eligible for a day off with pay on or for September 30, 2021 as a Named Holiday in accordance with Article 22 AUPE Nursing, Article 25 AUPE GSS and Article 18 AUPE STV by virtue of:
    a.              working the day as scheduled or required to do so;
    b.              the day being the employee's scheduled day of rest; or
    c.              being on approved vacation with pay on September 30, 2021 will be provided payment for the paid holiday, inclusive of premium pay for hours actually worked.

    Named Holiday banks will not be adjusted.

  2. Regular, Temporary Part-time and Casual employees who worked on September 30, 2021 will receive premium pay for hours actually worked on the day.
  3. Eligible employees who terminated their employment with Covenant Health after September 30th, 2021 will be eligible to apply to Covenant Health for retroactive payment of the applicable premium pay for hours actually worked on September 30, 2021 plus a payout of the lieu day if eligible. Terminated employees will have until September 30, 2022 to submit their request for retroactive payment pursuant to this settlement agreement.

Covenant Health will process and provide payment to eligible Full-time employees for the day off in lieu of September 30, 2021 by Pay Period 18 (September 7, 2022).

Former employees must direct their requests for the NDTR retroactive payment (for Sept 30, 2021) to by September 30, 2022, and include the following information:

Subject Line: NDTR retro
Employee # (if possible)
Current address & phone number (to facilitate payment)


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