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Counter proposal ready; progress made on ESA

Update for Locals 041, 043, 044, 045 & 046, Alberta Health Services Nursing Care

May 21, 2024

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Your negotiating team met on May 12 to develop our counter proposal to the most recent package from the Employer. We will deliver our counter proposal when we meet again on May 29 and 30.

We will thoroughly review the employer’s response to ensure we are making progress and that they bargain in good faith. The employer has shown your team an outrageous level of disrespect during our bargaining meetings. As a result, your team feels we must redouble our efforts to ensure fair treatment and respect at the table.

We are determined to keep bargaining on track despite the employer’s lack of focus at the table.

Essential Service Agreement (ESA) Update

Negotiations for our ESA, which began in May 2023, are almost complete. We have finalized all working schedules in the event of a strike, which is 1063 schedules in total. We are currently working to complete the rest of the agreement with the help of a mediating Umpire.

Here is a timeline of the process with our Umpire:

  • Evidence Hearing conducted - April 15, 16 and 23, 2024
  • AUPEs’ final submission for this hearing - May 8, 2024
  • Employer scheduled to respond to AUPEs’ final submission - May 22, 2024
  • AUPEs’ final reply to the Employer’s response - May 28, 2024

We expect a decision in early June. If we disagree with the Umpire’s decision, we have the opportunity to appeal—as does the employer. However, we remain optimistic that the mediator's decision will lead to completion of the ESA.

United We Bargain

On May 13, your negotiating team met with over 100 members from other negotiating teams to discuss the state of bargaining across the province. We emphasized our bargaining town halls in June and the status of our Essential Services Agreements.

We felt unified and productive. This collective approach to bargaining brings a new level of strength and solidarity in a year of unprecedented activity at the table.

Please watch for town hall meeting announcements coming soon.  All AUPE members are encouraged to join these urgent town halls. You will receive email invitations, shareable posters, and timely reminders to ensure everyone has the chance to attend the town hall nearest them.

Make the worksite red

Wear red to support us on May 29 and 30, when we are next in bargaining. We appreciate your solidarity and the strong message it sends to the employer.

Send photos of you and your coworkers wearing red to so the union can share them on social media.

Urgent Bargaining Town Halls 

AUPE’s Time for Action bargaining town halls are happening throughout June and all members are invited. Please visit the town hall website for details on the town hall nearest you. 

You will also receive email invitations, shareable posters, and timely reminders to ensure everyone has the chance to attend. All AUPE members are encouraged to join these urgent town halls.

If you have any questions or feedback about this bargaining update, please contact a member of your negotiating team.


Local 041

Christine Vavrik

Mellissa Bremner (alt)

Local 043  

Sandy Miller

Jennifer Power (alt)

Local 044

Marg Miller

Jesse Philp (alt)

Local 045

Nancy Burton

Angela Smyth (alt)

Local 046

Marty Roy

Heather Stewart (alt)



Kate Robinson Lead negotiator

Chris Dickson Negotiator

News Category

  • Bargaining updates


  • 041 - AHS South Zone ANC
  • 043 - AHS North Zone ANC
  • 044 - AHS Central Zone ANC
  • 045 - AHS Calgary Zone ANC
  • 046 - AHS and Covenant Edmonton Zone ANC


  • Health care

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