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Convention Notes - Day 1, 2024

A summary of the first day of the 47th annual AUPE Convention, October 24, 2024.

Oct 24, 2024

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AUPE’s 47th annual Convention began with purpose and momentum in line with this year’s theme: “Moving Forward in Solidarity.”

Delegates began the day by adopting the agenda, followed by the presentation of Locals.  

AUPE President Guy Smith then took the stage to deliver the President’s Address, where he set the tone for the fight to come. With 82,000 AUPE members currently in bargaining, Smith emphasized the union’s commitment to addressing critical issues like wage increases, job security, benefits and working conditions. He reminded delegates that members are negotiating as a united front with similar key demands.

"Ultimate success rests with all of us as members, regardless of what positions we hold or where we live and work,” Smith said.  

"We build our own path. We set our own direction. We determine our own future. And we fight as hard as we can for what is best for AUPE members."

Delegates then took to the streets for a Rally for Respect at the Alberta Legislature, chanting for democracy and worker power. Energized members sent a clear message: Alberta’s public sector workers will not back down. We will defend public services and workers’ rights and fight for the contracts we deserve. Now is the Time for Action.  

Back at the Convention hall, each member of the Executive Committee delivered their Officer’s Reports, updating delegates on the progress made over the past year. Delegates also approved the Finance Committee’s report, which included the adoption of the audited financial statements and proposed budget for 2024/2025.

Day 1 was an affirmation of the collective power we hold and the important role members play in how we navigate the road ahead. As bargaining continues, the foundation laid today ensures AUPE members are ready to move forward, together. Stay tuned for Day 2. 

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