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City of Cold Lake: Fill out Your Bargaining Survey!

Survey will allow your negotiations team to bring your priorities to the bargaining table

Jan 05, 2022

Bargaining Update: City of Cold Lake, Local 118 Chapter 016, All Staff

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It’s nearly time to begin negotiations for your next AUPE collective agreement at the City of Cold Lake. Your negotiations team is hard at work preparing for negotiations, because we want to secure the best agreement possible for all of our co-workers.

To achieve a collective agreement that meets our needs, your negotiations team needs to know what your priorities are. That’s why we’ve put together this short bargaining survey for you to fill out. The deadline to fill in the survey is Jan. 21.

Fill out your bargaining survey here!

By filling out this survey, you’ll be providing your elected negotiations team with the information they need to secure a good contract. The more of our co-workers fill out the survey, the clearer our picture will be of your wants and needs at work. Armed with that clear picture, your negotiations team will bring your demands to the bargaining table.

Are you concerned with health and safety in the workplace? Do you want to have a permanent work-from-home option? How do you feel that your benefits plan could be improved? What about staffing ratios? Your negotiations team needs to know how you feel about these important issues in order to bring them to the bargaining table.

Once the survey has closed after Jan. 21, we will immediately begin analysing the results, and putting together our ingoing proposals for bargaining—we will be ready to spring into action as soon as we agree on bargaining dates with the employer. As soon as we have those dates, we’ll send out another notice advising everyone.

For now, it’s important that as many of us as possible fill in the bargaining survey. That means you, and it also means telling your co-workers about it! Just remember, don’t have union conversations on employer-paid time like shifts or paid breaks—but unpaid breaks or the time before/after shifts are fine.

Fill out your bargaining survey here!

Together, we’re going to secure a collective agreement that reflects the hard work that we do at the City of Cold Lake, and brings us the level of dignity that we deserve on the job. In order to get there, we need to stand united and work together in solidarity. The first step on that road is to fill out this bargaining survey.

If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, don’t hesitate to reach out to members of your negotiations team.

Negotiations Team
Melvin Griffith, 780-812-7165
Leanne Draper, 780-815-0670

Dave Roguski, 780-813-0677

AUPE Staff Resources
Negotiator – Kate Robinson
Organizer—Billy Vieira-Hoy


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  • Bargaining updates


  • City of Cold Lake: Fill out Your Bargaining Survey!


  • Boards/agencies/local government

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