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Bill 32 and the associated Regulations

Bill 32 stipulates how associations and unions could collect and spend dues money

Jul 27, 2023

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As we told you this time last year, in 2020 the Alberta Government passed legislation (Bill 32) which created rules around how associations and unions could collect and spend dues money in relation to what the legislation described as “core” and “non-core” activities”. Prior to August 1, 2022 all associations and unions had to advise dues payers of the amount or percentage of dues that are spent on “non-core” activities and after August 1, 2022 employers could only deduct and remit to the union that portion of dues used for non-core activities if the dues payer has provided a signed election authorizing the employer to do so.

Despite AUPE’s concerns about the need for or validity of Bill 32, AUPE took its provisions seriously and undertook a careful examination of its expenditures. AUPE consulted with legal counsel and with various entities to which AUPE provides dues money. AUPE also considered that it receives significant revenue each year that does not come from ongoing dues. After carefully assessing all its financial information and legal obligations, AUPE reported to you that none of your ongoing dues would be spent on non-core activities. There was therefore no election required by any dues payers. We can also report that as of August 1, 2023 the AUPE’s expenditures have not materially changed since last year and all AUPE’s dues since August 1, 2022 have been spent on core activities. Again, there is no election required by dues payers. As such AUPE expects that the Employer will continue to deduct and remit dues in the same amounts as have been deducted and remitted to this point

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