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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Bargaining Update: Locals 048 & 047 Extendicare Canada: Cedars Villa, Fairmont Park, Hillcrest, Holyrood, Michener Hill, Athabasca, Eaux Claires, Mayerthorpe: All Staff

*Bargaining Continues*Your bargaining team met with the employer on July 9, 10, and 11 to resume negotiations.

Jul 25, 2019

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These meetings were very productive and we signed off on a number of important Articles, including:

• Article 3 – Union Security and Representation

• Article 4 – Union Membership and Dues Deduction

• Article 6 – Management Rights

• Article 7 – Employer – Union Relations

• Article 10 – Probationary Period

• Article 11 – Performance Evaluations

• Article 12 – Personnel Files

• Article 22 – In-Service

• Article 29 – Workers’ Compensation

• Article 33 – Health Care Aide

The employer was willing to make these changes based on our recommendations. This was, by far, the best round of negotiations we’ve had since bargaining began.

We will continue to make recommendations that address the struggles Extendicare workers face and make common-sense improvements to your collective agreement.

More key issues like monetary items will address in future bargaining meetings.

Next Meetings

The next round of bargaining meetings is scheduled September 17, 18, and 19.

Your bargaining team is dedicated to pursuing a collective agreement that treats all of us with the dignity, equity, and fairness we deserve. The employer needs to respect our needs and the needs of the residents we care for.

Please do not hesitate to contact a member of your bargaining committee or AUPE resource staff with any questions, comments or concerns you may have.

Please update your contact information so you don’t miss out on important bargaining updates by visiting:

Extendicare Bargaining Team Members

Katie Seaward (Athabasca) or 780-676-0884

Kathy Findlater (Cedars Villa) 403-606-5044© or 403-271-8740 (h)

Natasha Ng (Eaux Claires) or 780-938-1404

Theresa Lawrence (Fairmont) or 403-308-3345

John McCrea (Hillcrest) or 587-229-0470

Judith Cseresnyes (Holyrood) or 780-945-7647

Elaine Yacey (Mayerthorpe) 780-779-7526 or 780-268-9600

Mike Peterson (Michener Hill) or 587-877-6587

AUPE Resource Staff

Jason Rattray Negotiator

Trevor Zimmerman Organizer or 1-800-232-7284

Jaime Urbin Organizer or 1-800-232-7284

Alexander Delorme Communications or 1-800-232-7284

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  • Union updates


  • Health care

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