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*Memo of Agreement Reached* Your bargaining committee has reached a Memorandum of Agreement with Lakeland College.

Feb 13, 2019

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Agreement Details

This is a three year agreement with 0% wage increases in the first two years and a wage reopener in the third year. Like similar agreements throughout the province, the agreement includes interest arbitration if we do not agree on a third year wage adjustment by November 30, 2019.

There are a number of changes and improvements in this new agreement. Here are some of the changes that matter to you:

• Temporary employees who work in the same position for over 24 months may ask for their position to be made permanent;

• Casual employees who work over 1000 hours in one fiscal year may ask for their position to be made permanent;

• Temporary employees now receive annual vacation leave, instead of the previous percentage of regular wage earnings in lieu of vacation;

• Health Spending Account increased to $950 for Family Full-Time Permanent employees and $550 for Full-Time Permanent employees;

• A new respectful workplace article which outlines the process for addressing bullying, harassment, violence, and discrimination at the worksite;

• Discipline shall be purged from your file after 24 months. Discipline related to vulnerable peoples, financial non-compliance, or respect in the workplace shall be purged after 36 months;

• Travel outside of normal work hours will be paid out at 1.5 times for each hour;

• Bereavement and General Illness Leave can be substituted for Vacation Leave if the need for them occurs during scheduled vacation time;

• You are now able to take 5 special leave days (increased from 1) for the birth or adoption of your child or for administration of estate;

• For bereavement leave, the definition of your “immediate family” now includes, “child, aunt, uncle, nephew, and niece.”

• Your $150 safety footwear allowance may now be carried over, but with a limit of $300.

Your bargaining committee is dedicated to keeping you informed throughout the entire negotiations process. Please do not hesitate to contact a member of your committee or AUPE resource staff with any questions, comments or concerns you may have.

Please update your contact information so you don’t miss out on important bargaining updates by visiting:


Lonnie Boothman

Joshua Rayment

Andrea Kastendieck


Kathy Williams

Darla Yonkman


Terry Luhoway Negotiator

Farris Sobhani Organizer

Alexander Delorme Communications

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