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Bargaining update - Legal Aid - 118/018, 019

Classification arbitration concluded

Jun 03, 2020

Legal Aid Alberta Classification Arbitration concluded

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June 3, 2020

As you know, earlier this year AUPE members working for Legal Aid ratified a collective agreement with the employer. Included in the agreement was a process for an arbitrator to make a final decision on the rates of pay for the new classifications introduced by the employer.

Arbitrator Deborah Howes conducted the hearing on May 25 and 26, 2020; she will issue her decision by June 30. We will update you as soon as we hear of the outcome.

Employees hired after February 10, 2020 have been paid on the employer’s proposed (reduced) pay scale, but would receive retroactive pay if the arbitrator decides to keep the rates of pay in line with the previous Legal Services Officer and Certificate and Tariff Officer classifications.

Employees hired before February 10, 2020 will have their wages protected for as long as they remain employed, even if the arbitrator rules that the rates of pay should be reduced going forward.

In this hearing, your bargaining committee, chapter chair and union staff stood up for the integrity of this bargaining unit, asserting that it was not fair for newer staff to be paid less for doing the same work. The long serving members who testified gave the arbitrator a compelling look into the complexity and value of the work of Legal Aid employees. We hope the arbitrator will agree and turn down the employer’s bid to reduce wages.

Your current collective agreement expires on December 31, 2020 and we need to prepare for another round of negotiations which will no doubt be challenging. We encourage all members at Legal Aid Alberta to reach out. Get in touch with your elected representatives at the worksite to ask how you can stay informed and build our collective strength. It was by standing together that we got through the last difficult round of bargaining and it will be by standing together that we’ll get through the next one.


Jan Davidson-Carey 403-404-2307 or
Michele Lucas 780-288-2535 or

Chapter Chair: Peter Dubourt 780-293-5141 or


Merryn Edwards Negotiator
Dave Malka Organizer
Celia Shea Communications


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