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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details


*Bargaining Begins and More* On April 23 and 24 we met with the employer to begin negotiating our first collective agreement.

May 01, 2019

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Our meetings started on a good note. We agreed to a number of nonmonetary issues, including the preamble, management rights and dues deduction.

We also agreed on the establishment of an Employee-Management Advisory Committee (EMAC), which will be made up of coworkers we will elect to represent us at meetings with the employer.

EMAC meetings are an opportunity for us to bring worksite issues to management’s attention as they arise and prioritize resolutions through co-operative conversations, which could mean avoiding formal grievances.

We also had in-depth discussions about member rights to union representation and workplace harassment/discrimination.

As bargaining progresses, we’ll continue to push for the protections you identified as priorities in your bargaining surveys. Thank you for filling those out and showing the employer you’re ready to come together to improve your work and conditions for residents. With your support, we can continue advocating for each other.

Our next scheduled meeting dates are May 21 & 22; July 23 & 24; Aug. 13, 14 & 15; and Sept 16, 17 & 18.

AUPE Files Freeze Period Complaint

Under Alberta’s Labour Code, newly unionized staff are protected by a 120-day freeze period, where the employer can’t make any changes to their employment, including wage changes, reduced hours, altered policy and more.

The changes Chartwell introduced after purchasing two facilities drove us to unionize, but they didn’t stop after we certified, so AUPE filed a complaint and request to extend the freeze period with the Alberta Labour Relations Board (ALRB).

The ALRB has extended the freeze period so it will stay in effect until we sign our first collective agreement. In June, The ALRB will start looking into the changes the employer has made. Hearings will extend into the summer.

Welcome, Food Service Members!

As you may know, some of Chartwell’s food services were subcontracted out to PDG. In May these services will be brought in-house, and the food service staff will be joining us as AUPE members. We’re very pleased to hear this; all workers deserve the protection of a strong union.

OH&S Committee Concerns

As of June 1, 2018, Alberta law requires all employers to have a joint occupational health and safety committee to address worksite health and safety concerns.

Chartwell does not have the right to decide who will represent workers on the OH&S committee. We have a right to elect our own representatives!

We will be visiting the worksites on the following days with staff representatives to provide more information about the OH&S Committee:

Friday, May 17 – Griesbach

Friday, May 24 – Heritage Valley

Friday, May 31 – Wild Rose

If you’re interested in being involved in the OH&S Committee, talk with us then or get in touch with your bargaining committee or AUPE staff.

If you have any other questions, please reach out to your bargaining team or the AUPE Resource Centre at 1-800-232-7284.


Benjamin Kiwang or 780-885-3210

Stella Diaz or 780-721-6496

Bernie Kelly or 780-717-9130


Merryn Edwards AUPE Negotiator

Farris Sobhani Organizer or 780-271-0728

Celia Shea Communications or 780-720-8122

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  • Union updates


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