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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Bargaining update: Chartwell Eau Claire 048/047

For-profit provider tries to corner members into accepting subpar offer

Oct 21, 2020

Chartwell applies for forced vote

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Even though your elected negotiations team met with Chartwell in early October and rejected their last offer, the employer is now forcing you and your coworkers to vote on that offer.

The employer-proposed agreement, which falls below industry standard, was not what you deserved yesterday, and it’s not what you deserve today. At other retirement homes in Calgary, AUPE members have negotiated much better collective agreements with better wages, shift differentials, sick leave and stronger protections – Chartwell is trying to undermine the hard work of the union to raise the standards at all seniors homes in Alberta.

They’re also trying to silence you, which is not new. Since bargaining began over a year ago, Chartwell hasn’t engaged in real conversation with the negotiations team or listened to your frontline experience. Instead they’ve cancelled meetings, stalled progress and now, they’re trying to bypass the bargaining process.

What now?

While the employer’s application for a forced vote is pending at the Alberta Labour Relations Board (ALRB), the company pulled the same stunt on your coworkers at Chartwell’s Edmonton sites.

The ALRB accepted Chartwell’s application, and staff there are now preparing to vote on the agreement the company tabled.

When your time comes to vote, your negotiations team is recommending you mark “no” on your ballots because you deserve better and because this isn’t the end of the line. We can still push for enhanced mediation, where we can make our case to a third party, who will table recommendations for a final agreement that we can vote on.

Bargaining is not over. The employer just didn’t like that we were raising our voices and fighting for the protections we deserve, so they’re trying to cut it short.

In the coming weeks, your negotiations team will send you updates on the decision of the ALRB and the vote dates. Right now, your AUPE staff representatives are preparing to reach out to you and answer any questions you may have. Please ensure the union has your most up-to-date contact information. Visit to update your contact information.

Stay tuned to and check your email for important information. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out.



Julie Moores 587-434-4077 or

Noemi Cruz 403-383-6051 or

Mary San Andres, Chapter Chair 587-892-1212


Noreen Gatchalian 587-707-4551 or

Clarina Sitjar 403-397-6491 or


John Wevers, Negotiator

Angela Regnier, Membership Services Officer or 403-702-0514

Jaime Urbina, Organizer or 587-599-7557

Celia Shea, Communications or 780-720-8122

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  • Bargaining updates

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