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Bargaining Update: AHS GSS and NC, March 31, 2020

AHS denies request to make life easier for members during pandemic.

Mar 31, 2020

Bargaining Update: AHS GSS and NC, March 31, 2020

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Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, AUPE members working the front-lines are taking risks to leave the house and go to work, but we go because we are dedicated to providing health care to Albertans now more than ever.

Additionally, many members will not be using their vacation days but will accumulate a lot of banked overtime.

Members brought forward a number of related concerns that, if addressed, would help them and our health care system through the pandemic. Based on these suggestions, AUPE reached out to Alberta Health Services hoping to sign Letters of Understanding which would have supported members. Unfortunately, the employer rejected these requests.

AUPE asked for:

  • Allow employees to cancel scheduled vacation with two days notice (or less, if mutually agreed);
  • Have staff vacation leave paid out with 14 days notice.

AUPE also asked for the following requests to come into effect once Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer declares the outbreak is over:

  • Carry over one year’s worth of vacation entitlement to the next year;
  • Overtime accumulation limits waived for 12 months;
  • Have the employer meet with employees within 60 days of the outbreak being over to determine how to use banked overtime.

We are disappointed the employer rejected these proposals for both the General Support Services and Nursing Care bargaining units. Adopting these proposals would have allowed Alberta Health Services to take care of the little things and focus on the big picture: helping Albertans.

Your negotiating teams will continue to advocate for you, and we are hopeful the employer comes around to our proposals before the pandemic gets worse. Please contact a member of your negotiating team or AUPE resource staff if you have any questions.

AHS GSS Negotiating Team

Local 054
Nancy Woods - nancy.janer@gmail.com
Julie Woodford (A) - juliew.chp006@gmail.com

Local 056
Deborah Nawroski – local56.bargaining@gmail.com
Tammy Lanktree (A) - local56.bargaining@gmail.com

Local 057
Darren Graham - chairlocal057@aupe.ca
Wendy Kicia (A) - wendykicia@hotmail.com

Local 058
Anton Schindler - waterdude69@gmail.com
Dave Ibach (A) - dl322j@gmail.com

Local 095
Stacey Ross - sross13@shaw.ca
Dusan Milutinovic (A) - dusan.aupe@yahoo.com

Lamont Health Care Centre GSS
Lorrie Tarka - lorrietarka@hotmail.com
Carol Palichuk - carolpalichuk@hotmail.com

AUPE GSS Resource Staff

Chris Dickson, Lead Negotiator - c.dickson@aupe.org
Jason Rattray, Negotiator – j.rattray@aupe.org
Farid Iskandar, Organizer - f.iskandar@aupe.org
Kate Jacobson, Organizer - k.jacobson@aupe.org
Alexander Delorme, Communications - a.delorme@aupe.org

AHS NC Negotiating Team

Local 041
Christine Vavrik - rvavrik@shaw.ca
Myrna Wright (A) - merite77@shaw.ca

Local 043
Judy Fader - local4308@gmail.com
Marylou Savic (A) - marylousavic@yahoo.ca

Local 044
Brenda Bailer - brendabailer@gmail.com
Laurie Johnson (A) - rycehome5@gmail.com

Local 045
Nancy Burton - ndburton@hotmail.com
Brenda Marks (A) - bmarks23@yahoo.ca

Local 046
Dolline Osterlund - dolly46vc@gmail.com
Sandy Kyle (A) - sandyg.kyle@gmail.com

AUPE NC Resource Staff

Jason Rattray, Lead Negotiator - j.rattray@aupe.org
Chris Dickson, Negotiator – c.dickson@aupe.org
Farid Iskandar, Organizer - f.iskandar@aupe.org
Kate Jacobson, Organizer - k.jacobson@aupe.org
Alexander Delorme, Communications - a.delorme@aupe.org


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  • Bargaining updates

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