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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details


Park Place Seniors Living – Hardisty Care Centre

Oct 02, 2019

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On Oct. 8 and 9, your bargaining team will continue bargaining the terms of our collective agreement.

On Sept. 16 and 17, we met with the employer for the first time in three months as Park Place said they needed to “fully digest” our proposals. Despite the time that they had to do this, they did not come to the table with counterproposals. Instead they simply accepted and rejected our tabled articles.

Park Place rejected articles on the grounds that the current language is fine and no staff have filed grievances that would suggest otherwise. Your bargaining team, like you, is fighting for working conditions that reflect your worth; and for that reason we don’t feel there needs to be grievances in order to justify the need for progress.

Nevertheless, we did sign off on all of the language the employer accepted. On the second day of bargaining we tried to draw their attention back to the proposals they rejected that we feel reflect minor changes. Park Place dismissed us, refused to engage in a meaningful discussion, and said they had made enough concessions.

You deserve more than concessions. You deserve a respectful, fair and equal workplace, and regardless of how the employer approaches bargaining we will continue to push for that.

Below is a list of all the articles we have signed-off to date.

Signed off as current language
Article 3        Union Recognition
Article 4        Management Rights
Article 9        Seniority
Article 25      Mediation and Arbitration
Article 26      Workers’ Compensation
Article 28      Termination of Employment
Article 31       Bulletin Boards
Article 33       Terms of Employment Applicable to Temporary Employees
Article 34       Terms of Employment Applicable to Casual Employees
Article 35       Inservice Programs

Signed off as amended by AUPE
Article 2         Definitions
Article 6         Respectful Workplace (substantive changes made)
Article 7          Union Representation
Article 10        Layoffs
Article 11         Job Postings and Vacancies
Article 22        Labour Management Committee
Article 30        Occupational Health and Safety
Article 32        Copies of the Collective

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us:
Agnes Velina
Divina Padilla
Elaine More

Nicolas McDonald
Wilma Cruz

Terry Luhoway
Celia Shea
Jaime Urbina or 587-599-7557

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  • Bargaining updates


  • 047 - Continuing Care Separate Employers North

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