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AUPE supports COVID Zero policies

Alberta’s mitigation efforts have failed

Apr 22, 2021

AUPE supports COVID Zero policies

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The Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE) is joining the call for drastic improvements for government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.  

“Covid mitigation has failed,” says AUPE Vice-President Mike Dempsey. “Thousands of Albertans and other Canadians have died because of this disastrous strategy. Governments in Alberta, Ontario and elsewhere have put the livelihoods of corporations ahead of the lives of frontline and essential workers. We need to adopt a COVID Zero policy immediately to prevent the deaths of even more people.” 

Zero COVID Canada is a national advocacy group of researchers, physicians, engineers, lawyers, educators, activists, and concerned citizens demanding COVID elimination policies such as expanding interprovincial and international travel restrictions; a strictly enforced and financially supported lockdown; transition to online learning for schools; and other tactics to eliminate the inequities of COVID mitigation. 

AUPE supports the aims of this group by becoming a signatory member.  

“COVID mitigation ignores families, essential workers, marginalized Canadians and thousands of others by tolerating a minimum number of cases and deaths,” says Dempsey. “Vaccines are providing some hope, but the third wave in Alberta and Ontario has clearly shown we need to find a better way. The policies of Zero COVID Canada would eliminate the frustrations and uncertainties of ever-changing restrictions, provide economic and social stability, and most importantly, protect the health of all Albertans and Canadians with the goal to eliminate COVID from our communities.” 

AUPE highly recommends all members read and then sign an open letter to the Government of Canada asking of the immediate adoption of COVID Zero policies at 


AUPE Vice-President Mike Dempsey is available for comment. For more information, contact Wayne Arthurson, Communications Officers at

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