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AUPE Media Release: AUPE responds to the Throne Speech 

The UCP Government had nothing to offer hard-working Albertans in their 2022 Throne Speech

Feb 22, 2022

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EDMONTON—The UCP government’s Throne Speech offered nothing of substance for hard-working Albertans, says the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE).

“Ordinary working Albertans are the backbone of our economy and have made extraordinary sacrifices to help us through the pandemic,” says AUPE Vice-President Susan Slade.

“If the Throne Speech is a true preview of this government’s intentions, working Albertans should not expect real ‘thanks’ from Premier Kenney any time soon,” she says.

The Throne Speech touched on public services such as health care, education, and government programs. However, it did so in a way that signals cuts and privatization, says Slade.

“The Throne Speech did not have anything good to say about public services, and what it did say should alarm all Albertans. The last thing we all need in tough times like this is more privatization. This is especially true in for-profit care facilities, where research shows an increased risk of death by COVID-19.

“Think about the skyrocketing utility bills some Albertans are receiving right now. That’s what could happen to health care and program costs under privatization.

“There wasn’t even mention of the women who make up most of the workers in the public sectors: women who often struggle working two jobs in addition to keeping their households together. What is this government doing to help them at work? According to the Throne Speech, not much.”

AUPE is western Canada’s largest union, with over 95,000 members.


Vice-President Slade is available for interviews.
Please contact Alexander Delorme, Communications Officer: 780-264-9274 or


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