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AUPE kicks off Centennial celebrations tonight at Edmonton’s First Presbyterian Church

EDMONTON – The Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE) turns 100 years old in 2019, and tonight marks the kick off of a year of celebrations throughout the

Mar 26, 2019

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Celebrations at the First Presbyterian Church (10025 105 St.) begin at 6:30 p.m. Media are invited to attend.

“One hundred years ago, a small group of provincial government workers made their way to Edmonton’s First Presbyterian Church,” said Karen Weiers, AUPE Vice-President and Chair of the union’s Centennial Committee. “Their goal was simple: to fight for better working conditions for themselves and their fellow workers. But what they started was something big.”

At a time when unionizing was considered insubordination, their meeting was the start of what would become Alberta's largest union. These workers formed the Civil Service Association of Alberta (CSAA), which became AUPE in 1976.

“AUPE is and always has been a movement of ordinary working people, dedicated to creating positive change for themselves and their fellow workers,” said AUPE President Guy Smith “In our centennial year, we’re celebrating our history and accomplishments and recommitting ourselves to another century of solidarity and fighting for workers’ rights.”

The centennial kick off honours these humble but bold beginnings and will feature remarks from AUPE president Guy Smith, AUPE vice-president Karen Weiers, and live music by Juno award winning artists Jeremiah and Terry McDade.

AUPE is Alberta’s largest union with more than 95,000 members province-wide.


For more information:

Alexander Delorme, AUPE communications officer: 780-264-9274

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