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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

AUPE election candidates at virtual town halls

Find out more about AUPE election candidates at virtual town halls

Sep 20, 2019

Find out more about AUPE election candidates at virtual town halls

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Elections to the AUPE Executive Committee are coming and that means it’s time to learn more about the people running for president, executive secretary-treasurer and six vice-president positions in your union.

That’s why virtual town halls will be held for AUPE members who want to hear from the candidates running for elected office in the union.

Convention delegates and alternates have been automatically registered for the four virtual town halls and will receive phone calls a few days before the town halls to remind them of the upcoming events. They will then receive calls on the day just before the events start so they can participate.

AUPE members who are not attending convention can also take part. They can register here and enter their name and phone number. They also will receive reminder phone calls a few days before the town halls and will be called on the day just before the events start so they can participate.

To make the events easier to manage, the candidates have been randomly divided into two groups. Each group will take part in two virtual town halls.

Group One will participate in two town halls on Tuesday, Oct. 8. Group Two will participate in two events on Wednesday, Oct. 9.

Group 1

Tuesday, Oct. 8

Session 1: Noon – 2 p.m.

Session 2: 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Penny Bates (Position – VP)

Rod Feland (Position – VP)

Ramza Gebran (Position – VP)

Jason Pilot (Position – VP)

Guy Smith (Position – President)

Bobby-Joe Borodey (Position – VP)

James Hart (Position – VP)


Group 2

Wednesday, Oct. 9

Session 1: Noon – 2 p.m.

Session 2: 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Mike Dempsey (Position – VP)

Steve Eagles (Position – VP)

Karen Weiers (Position – VP)

Bonnie Gostola (Position – VP)

Ron Fernandes (Position – EST)

Kevin Barry (Position – VP)

Susan Slade (Position – VP)

Jason Heistad (Position – EST)


Each candidate will be given three minutes for opening comments. A question-and-answer session will follow.



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  • Member update

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