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AHS GSS members tackle violence and politics in bargaining

Bargaining Update: AHS General Support Services, Locals: 054, 056, 057, 058, 095, and Lamont Health Care Centre GSS

Oct 29, 2021

Bargaining continues for AHS GSS members 

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Your negotiating team met with AHS on October 27 to continue negotiations. We paid special attention to the issues that remained after our last meetings on October 22 and 23. These include: 

  • Article 19 - Reclassification and the process 

  • Article 9 - Discipline and Dismissal 

  • Article 11 - Health and Safety 

These Articles are important to General Support Services members, so we want to make sure we get them right. 

Violence and Politics 

As all members know, violence at the workplace is rising. Your negotiating team takes that seriously and we believe AHS must take it seriously as well. We are working to address this with improved language, which would include the same process AHS follows when they address OH&S issues brought forward by our colleagues working in Nursing Care. 

We also asked if Alberta’s New Health Minister, Jason Copping, is ready for the fresh start he promised. We believe he has had enough time since his appointment to review AHS’s “implementation plan,” which shows the cuts they want to make and the workers they want to fire. 

Alberta’s health care workers are burned-out but still fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. The least Minister Copping can do is call off the huge cuts and firings his government has planned. 

Next bargaining meetings 

Here is the schedule for our next bargaining meetings: 

  • January 14, 2022 

  • January 20-21, 2022 

  • January 31, 2022 

  • February 17, 2022 

Please contact your negotiating team or AUPE resource staff if you have any questions. 

AHS GSS Negotiating Team 

Local 054  
Julie Woodford -  
Charity Hill (A) -  

Local 056  
Tammy Lanktree –  
Juanita Cozicar (A) –  

Local 057  
Darren Graham -  
Wendy Kicia (A) -  

Local 058  
Anton Schindler -  
Dave Ibach (A) -  

Local 095  
Dusan Milutinovic -  
James Sullivan (A) -  

Lamont Health Care Centre GSS  
Jessica Kroeker -  
Carol Palichuk -  

AUPE Resource Staff for AHS GSS

Chris Dickson, Lead Negotiator -  

Jason Rattray, Negotiator -  

Tracy Noble, Edmonton-North Organizer –  

Kate Jacobson, Calgary-South Organizer -  

Margaret Kapuwa, Central Organizer –  

Alexander Delorme, Communications - 


News Category

  • Bargaining updates


  • 054 - AHS Edmonton Zone GSS
  • 056 - AHS North Zone GSS
  • 057 - AHS Central Zone GSS
  • 058 - AHS Southern Zone GSS
  • 095 - AHS Calgary Zone GSS


  • Health care

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