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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Advisory: AUPE phone systems experiencing issues

Expect some delays when contacting Resource Centre today

Jul 14, 2022

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On the morning of July 14, AUPE’s phone service provider informed us that they are currently experiencing an outage related to a fiber issue. This means that AUPE’s phone lines, including the line for our member Resource Centre, are experiencing connectivity issues.

That means that if you’re calling the Resource Centre, or any other AUPE phone number, you may have to put up with some delays, particularly waiting for your call to be connected. Keep trying, and be patient—you should still be able to get through, it might just take a few tries.

Otherwise, you can also use our web form to contact the Resource Centre on the AUPE website, and someone will contact you back as soon as possible. That form is available here:  

Emails are not affected by the outage, so you can also email your Membership Services Officer directly, if you have their email.

We are monitoring the situation closely and hope it is resolved as soon as possible. In the meantime, be patient, and keep trying to get a hold of us—we’re here for you when you need it.

The Member Resource Centre’s toll-free phone number is 1-800-232-7284.



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