AUPE Member Resource Centre 1-800-232-7284

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We need action NOW! Fix short-staffing in Alberta's public services.

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The public services Albertans rely on are in dire need of help. The new provincial government must end the strain on sectors like wildfire fighting, social services, health care, and education.

AUPE members are reporting more and more issues with short-staffing and unmanageable workloads. These workers need support to ensure our essential public services are there when we need them.

We need action from the provincial government, but we can’t do it without you. Albertans need to speak out against cuts to disaster relief, longer wait times, lower quality care, and failing our students.

Email your newly elected MLA and the Premier's Office to voice your concerns today.

Your email could be the first one your representative receives after the election. Let's make it count!

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We know you're busy, so we've drafted the email for you. All you have to do is fill in your contact information and hit 'submit.'

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