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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

What you can do now to adjust to the new normal at work

Know your rights and your employer's responsibilities during pandemics

Mar 26, 2020

Here's 7 Steps AUPE members can take if you have COVID-19 questions.

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Right now, no one knows when the COVID-19 pandemic will end. This has put stress on AUPE members and their families, especially those who are unable to work from home and are on the front-lines battling the pandemic.

While you are providing vital services to all Albertans and supporting your co-workers, it is an employer’s responsibility to provide answers and clear direction during this time and to ensure your workplace has protocols in place to deal with this crisis.

It can be hard not having all the answers. If you have questions or concerns about COVID-19 and how it affects your work, please follow these steps below.

Step 1

Start with your employer’s internal staff website or portal, and check back often for the most up to date information.

Step 2

If your employer does not have an internal staff website or portal, contact your direct supervisor or Human Resources staff for up to date COVID-19 information.

Step 3

To protect your employment, you must talk to your management about working from home before you do so. Contact your direct supervisor if you feel you can or should work from home.

Step 4

If you believe you have been unreasonably denied working from home, contact the AUPE Member Resource Centre.

Step 5

Contact your employer’s Employee and Family Assistance Program to talk about issues such as mental health support, child care, or other supports you need help with.

We know child care is a huge consideration for many members, whether you’re able to work from home or not. The Government of Alberta has said it will open some child care facilities to help some front line workers, but this will not cover everyone. We will update members with more information once we know more.

Step 6

If your employer is not enforcing any COVID-19 Stop the Spread measures, like social distancing and working from home when possible, fill out an AUPE Occupational Health and Safety Report.

Step 7

If you have been laid off, Service Canada has set up a phone line to set up expedited EI claims. The number is 1-833-381-2725.

If these steps don’t answer your COVID-19 questions, contact the AUPE Member Resource Centre and they will help you answer your questions or direct you to your Membership Services Officer.

AUPE members know better than anyone that this is the time for strength and solidarity.

Remember to support your co-workers during this time. We are all in this together.


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