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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

What to do if you get COVID-19 over the holiday break

COVID-19 Resources for Workers

Dec 23, 2020

Or if there is an outbreak at your workplace

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We know these past nine months have been hard for front-line workers and that no words can take away the burdens you’ve been forced to carry. When this year started, none of us could have predicted that a deadly pandemic would change the way we live and work. None of us could have known that we’d leave work each day wondering if we were taking this silent killer home to our families. And not one of us is surprised at how well you all rose to the challenge.

Despite wearing PPE and taking all necessary precautions, AUPE members have contracted the coronoavirus. Two have died. With thousands of members going to work every day at worksites that are currently under outbreak, protecting your health and safety has got to be priority one.

If you contract COVID-19 at work, it is vital that you file a WCB claim, even if you don’t lose any wages. As we learn more about this virus, it’s clear that the symptoms can continue well after two weeks, which is when the Chief Medical Officer of Health’s office declares a person “recovered”. By filing a WCB claim now, you protect yourself in the event that symptoms continue to ail you five months, or five years, down the road. As the Christmas break approaches, we wanted to ensure you have the resources you need in the event you are exposed to COVID-19 at work or are faced with a worksite outbreak.

If you’ve been exposed to COVID-19, arrange to have a test here.

Read this WCB Workers Fact Sheet about when to file a claim. If you have any doubts, file the claim and let your supervisor know that you have done so.

This Bulletin gives a brief overview of occupational health and safety (OHS) information for workers who are returning or continuing to work during the COVID-19 pandemic.

If your employer is not complying with COVID-19 orders, like mandatory masks indoors, social distancing and working from home when possible, fill out an AUPE Occupational Health and Safety Report.

This Frequently Asked Questions document from Alberta Health Services was recently updated to include information about vaccines and contains other information that may be helpful to all workers.

The Government of Alberta recently updated their Frequently Asked Questions document. You can find a copy here.

Alberta Health Services has implemented an auto-dialler system to alert its employees if they’ve been exposed to COVID-19 at work. Find out more about that here.

There are federal financial supports available if you need them. The Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB) provides income support if you are unable to work because you are sick or need to self-isolate due to COVID-19 and have exhausted your sick leave benefits. Find out more about the CRSB here.

The Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB) gives income support to individuals who are unable to work because they must care for a child under 12 years old or a family member who needs supervised care. Find out more about the CRCB here.

If you experience anxiety or vulnerability due to traumatic or crisis events occurring at work, please call AUPE’s Crisis Support Service at 1-844-744-7026. This service is available for members 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Reach out to AUPE’s Members Resource Centre at 1-800-232-7284 or by e-mail here. While AUPE offices are closed from Dec 24-31, if you have any questions or concerns, the Resource Centre will be open Dec 28 to Dec 31 and you can always leave a message after hours.

AUPE’s Vice Presidents will be available during the break in cases of emergency. Please note the regional assignments below:

Vice President Region        E-mail               Cell Phone #
Kevin BarryNorthwestk.barry@aupe.org403-608-4307
Bobby-Joe BorodeyCalgaryb.borodey@aupe.org403-350-7547
Mike DempseyNortheastm.dempsey@aupe.org780-404-5678
Bonnie GostolaCentralb.gostola@aupe.org403-498-4915
Susan SladeEdmontons.slade@aupe.org403-554-4198
Karen WeiersSouthk.weiers@aupe.org403-561-2482

We know it’s been a tough year and while we want to thank you for being there for Albertans, we want you to know that we’re here for you. Best wishes of the season to you and yours.

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