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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Want to do something about working short?

If you’re working short, AUPE has ways for you to share your experiences.

Feb 01, 2020

Want to do something about working short?

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If you’re working short, AUPE has ways for you to share your experiences.

Understaffed hospitals, backlogged case files, more consecutive days on, a growing population to support with fewer public-sector employees to do it: AUPE members are feeling it across the province.

Working short and heavy workloads are pushing workers like you to the brink of exhaustion, burnout and illness, and as the UCP go on their job-killing spree, this is only going to get worse.  

Together, we can do something about it.

  1. Let your union know it’s happening. Fill out the working short reporting form. Gathering information on instances of members working short as they happen helps us capture trends and better advocate for improvements.
  2. Take a load off each other - fill out AUPE’s new working short survey. 

    The survey will take you about 15 – 20 minutes to complete and will ask you about your experiences with short staffing (or working short), how it arises on your worksite and in your industry, and how it has affected your life, on and off the job, including your workload, your safety and your health.  

    This information will be compiled into resources members can use to influence collective bargaining decisions and fight for more worker-friendly legislation.

You know from frontline experience what an Alberta that prioritizes workers and their neighbours could look like.  Share your stories and help define working short and workload issues in Alberta, so we can tackle them together and stop the UCP and other bosses from making more costly and dangerous decisions.


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