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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Update on In-Person Advisory for AUPE Member Activities  

A Message from the AUPE Executive Committee  about in-person meetings

Jan 12, 2022

A Message from the AUPE Executive Committee  

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As AUPE members on the frontlines continue to contend with the fifth (5th) wave of COVID-19, it is prudent that our union exercise extreme diligence in prioritizing the health, safety, and wellness of its members. While the UCP government continues to disregard the general health and welfare of all Albertans by refusing to put in place pandemic restrictions that are essential to keep Albertans safe, AUPE chooses to follow to a much more cautious approach to in-person gatherings.

The Government of Alberta’s Restrictions Exemption Program (REP), implemented by many businesses and local levels of government, is insufficient to fend off the attack of the much more aggressively contagious Omicron variant, leaving the citizens of Alberta suffering its harmful effects. As this leaves frontline AUPE members continuing to shoulder the burden of this government’s failures on the pandemic front, we want to do everything we can to protect our members from potential exposure to COVID-19.

Therefore, the following will apply to in-person meetings: 

  • AUPE offices will continue to be closed until further notice. As such, it is strongly recommended that members continue to use virtual platforms to conduct their business. This continues to be the safest option for meeting.
  • Regardless of any restrictions the government may or may not place on public gatherings, AUPE is recommending that members do not meet in person. Members who choose to meet in-person do so at their own risk, and meeting coordinators are obligated to share with all potential attendees that insurance coverage is void for anyone who contracts COVID-19 at a non-sanctioned in-person AUPE gathering. You are encouraged to discuss insurance coverage with the facility you are looking at hosting an event/meeting at. 
  • AUPE staff or officers may participate in in-person meetings if required, but those situations will be decided on a case-by-case basis.

Should members have a need to organize direct action, please reach out to your Membership Services Officer (MSO) by phoning the Member Resource Centre at 1-800-232-7284, or by emailing them directly. MSO’s will connect members with AUPE staff who can assist with coordinating appropriate direct action. 

The AUPE Executive is committed to monitoring the COVID-19 situation in Alberta. Should changes be necessary, we will revisit the measures in this advisory to reflect our continued effort to assure the safety and well-being of members.

Please continue to be safe and strong as we navigate this pandemic.

In Solidarity,  

Your AUPE Executive Committee

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  • Member update

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