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Town of Bonnyville: Updated Ratification Package


Apr 27, 2022

Updated language includes increase in shift differential pay.

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The ratification package sent to Town of Bonnyville Local 118, Chapter 002 members has been updated following proof-reading by the parties (as stated on the cover letter sent, the package was subject to proofing, and we wanted to be sure you have the correct information before you cast your ballot). Your Annual General Meeting is on April 27, 2022, and your negotiating team will be present at the meeting to answer any questions you have about the tentative agreement before you cast your ratification ballot.  The package you received in the mail has been proof-read by the parties and we would like to draw your attention to the following changes: 

All references to gender will be changed to neutral during final editing. Several changes will be made during final editing to numbering changes as the result of negotiated changes. 

Article 13.06:  Severance - should read: 

13.05 06          Severance  

(a)      Notwithstanding the above, Employees that are laid off as per this Article shall have the option of accepting the Voluntary Severance as per Article 38 Voluntary Separation Allowance in lieu of recall.  

Article 25.04 should read: 

25.04              The Employer may require an Employee to attend seminars, workshops, courses, conferences, and like events outside his their normal hours of work. Where the Employer pays for or subsidizes such events, an Employee shall receive straight time off in lieu of overtime for those hours so spent up to the daily equivalent of his normal hours of work for each day or partial day in attendance for such events.  

Article 30:  Acting Incumbent was missing. 

ARTICLE 30:  Acting Incumbent  


To receive acting incumbency pay, an Employee shall be designated in writing by the Employer to perform the principal duties of a higher paid position within the bargaining unit for a minimum period of five (5) consecutive three (3) consecutive work days, during which time he  the employee may be also required to perform some of the duties of his their regular position. On the completion of the minimum five (5) three (3) day qualifying period in an acting incumbency position, an Employee shall be eligible for acting incumbency pay for the total period of acting incumbency, including the five (5)three (3) day qualifying period. Acting provisions shall not apply where an Employee is designated only limited additional duties.  


Where an Employee qualifies in an acting incumbency position, he the employee shall receive a minimum of three (3%) percent of his their current regular rate of pay in addition to histheir regular rate of pay or the minimum salary for the higher paid position, whichever is the greater.  

Article 32:  Shift Differential should read: 

ARTICLE 32:  Shift Differential/Weekend Premium  

32.01               Shift Differential  

Where, because of operational requirements, an Employee is scheduled by the Employer to work shifts, that Employee shall receive, in addition to histheir regular rate of pay, one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50)two dollars ($2.00) per hour working a shift where at least one half of the hours in such a shift falls for 4 p.m. and 8 a.m.  

32.02               Weekend Premium  

An Employee who works Saturdays or Sundays as part of his their regular work week shall receive, in addition to histhe Employees regular rate of pay, a weekend premium of one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50)two dollars ($2.00) for each hour worked from midnight, Friday to midnight, Sunday. The weekend premium shall not be paid to an Employee who is not regularly scheduled to work weekends and receives overtime compensation for working Saturdays or Sundays as a day of rest.   

32.03               For the purposes of this Article, a shift refers to the daily equivalent of the normal hours of work as set out in Article 24, Hours of Work. An Employee who works less than the daily equivalent normal hours of work shall be paid shift differential, provided he works a minimum of four (4) hours within the period between 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.  

32.04              At no time shall shift differential or weekend premium be included with an Employee's regular rate of pay for purposes of computing overtime payments, other premium payments, or any Employee benefits. Shift differential shall not be paid on any hours for which an Employee receives overtime compensation.  

32.05               Where applicable, an Employee shall be eligible to receive both Shift Differential and Weekend Premium.  

New Article re: Volunteer Leave was missing. 

Article XX: Volunteer Leave  

XX.01     Upon approval by the Employer, full-time and part-time employees who volunteer for a local charity or non-profit organization will be granted one (1) day of leave with pay per year for such activities.  Such local charities or non-profit organizations should be registered and operating within the Bonnyville Community. 
Please ensure that we have your correct mailing address by making any necessary updates at 

If you have any questions about this bargaining update, please contact a member of your negotiating team.  


Jennifer Lasouski 

Dana Mugford or 780-545-7023 


Kate Robinson, Negotiations 
Farid Iskandar, Organizing 
Terry Inigo-Jones, Communications 

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