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Tomorrow is the end of Social Work Week

But the job is never done for these life-changing workers

Mar 12, 2021

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With compassion, care, and grit, over 2,000 AUPE members employed as social workers march forward into an unknown future. But with the entire union at their side, they’re ready to rebuild Alberta, and together we’re going to make sure they get the tools and support they need to do that. 

From helping protect families from violence, assisting low-income earners to get Albertans back to work, to supporting people with disabilities and protecting children and youth at risk, social workers and human services personnel fight the inequities and chaos of corporate greed and self-serving politicians. 

Social workers respond to everyday breakdowns, in the home, the streets and institutions. In times of crisis, such as the pandemic, their workload usually skyrockets. COVID didn’t just wreak havoc on bodies –it wreaked havoc on social bonds. While healthcare workers heal the body, AUPE’s social and human services workers are tending to the mind and heart. 

It’s a tough job, and even before the pandemic, these hardworking members were particularly vulnerable to post-traumatic stress. Now their risk of burnout is even higher. This is just one of the reasons AUPE members in direct government services are banding together, putting more pressure than ever on their boss, the UCP.  

We know that when the government supplies public-sector workers with the right tools, they can build anything. In a post-pandemic world, social workers will need more tools than ever, and AUPE members won’t stop fighting until they get them. That’s because we know there’s nothing more powerful than strong, healthy, diverse communities... which is where we build democracy! 

But as the saying goes, before we can help others, we need to put on our own oxygen masks first. That’s why this month, we’re encouraging you to file a WCB form if you contract COVID – even if you don’t lose any wages. As we learn more about this virus, it’s clear that the symptoms can continue well after two weeks. By filing a WCB claim now, you protect yourself in the future if your symptoms continue five months or five years, down the road. Hold your boss accountable for your occupational health and safety.  

This is a pandemic, and the government should be doing everything in their power to protect you. Instead, they’re attempting to rollback your wages and working conditions in bargaining, but if you stand strong and support each other, you can stop them. Only you can organize your fellow workers to prepare for the fight ahead – become a worksite contact by emailing or

As social services workers you strive every day to improve the well-being of others. To do this you must support each other in improving your own well-being first. Happy Social Work Week! 

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AUPE staff contact

Only you can organize your fellow workers to prepare for the fight ahead – become a worksite contact. Ask for Madelaine or Trevor.

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The Organizing department assists members with bargaining, mobilization, political campaigns and engagement--contact if you're interested in joining AUPE.

Phone 780-930-3300

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