AUPE Member Resource Centre 1-800-232-7284

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RDP: New bargaining survey opens May 31

Welcome to our newest members

May 31, 2024

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Your negotiating team is sending a new bargaining survey. We recently welcomed 100 new members to our bargaining unit, and we need their feedback for bargaining.

While the new survey is designed for our newest members, it is still open to all members. A summary of our last survey's results is included, and you can provide more input even if you have filled out the earlier survey.

Please check your email for a link to the survey. If you do not receive the survey, please contact your negotiating team.

The bargaining survey opens May 31. The survey closes at 11:45PM on June 12.

We are currently in discussions with Red Deer Polytechnic about transitioning our new members into the bargaining unit. We will provide updates when we have news to share. If you have any questions, please call the Member Resource Centre at 1-800-232-7284 and ask to speak to Tammy McNeil, Membership Services Officer.

Bargaining Meet & Greet

We have scheduled a Meet & Greet lunch on June 21 to review all the survey results and hear your feedback. Our meeting room is yet to be determined – stay tuned.

Our negotiator, Kate Robinson, will join you to answer any questions you may have. Bring your lunch and join us to have important conversations about this round of bargaining.

Final preparations; bargaining begins July 30

Your negotiating team is scheduled to meet on July 9 and 16 to discuss your feedback and finish our proposals. Bargaining officially begins at the end of the month, with our first meetings scheduled for July 30 and 31.

Wear red on July 30 and 31 to show your support! We appreciate your solidarity and the strong message it sends the employer.

Take wear-red selfies with your coworkers and send them to to be shared on AUPE’s social media.

Urgent Bargaining Town Halls

AUPE’s Time for Action bargaining town halls are happening throughout June and all members are invited. Please visit the town hall website for details on the town hall nearest you.

You will also receive email invitations, shareable posters, and timely reminders to ensure everyone has the chance to attend. All AUPE members are encouraged to join these urgent town halls.

Please contact a member of your negotiating team if you have any questions about bargaining.



Terry Oakley

Anne Marie Watson

Cydney Howey



Kate Robinson Negotiation

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  • Bargaining updates



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