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Rally to be held to fight UCP attacks on Albertans with disabilities

Family members, guardians and workers call for halt to dangerous bully tactics

Oct 26, 2020

Families, guardians & workers call for halt to dangerous bully tactics

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EDMONTON – Family members and guardians of Albertans with disabilities will join workers to rally against Community and Social Service Minister Rajan Sawhney’s attack on the province’s most fragile people tomorrow (Tuesday, Oct. 27).

“The Alberta government made a mistake when it decided to pick on these vulnerable Albertans,” says Kevin Barry, vice-president of AUPE, which represents more than 90,000 workers.

“Albertans don’t like bullies and this plan to hand over care to private operators and perhaps evict hundreds of residents from homes they love and where they feel safe in the middle of a deadly pandemic is the shameful act of cowards and bullies.”

A rally will be held on the steps of the Legislature in Edmonton to protest the plan and to call on Minister Sawhney to drop the plan.

Speakers at the rally will include:

  • Jennifer Chinkonora, guardian of resident at the Glenwood Community Home in Edmonton.
  • Laurie Muir, guardian of resident at the Glenwood Community Home in Edmonton.
  • Brenda Waluk, guardian of one of the children at the Rosecrest group home in Edmonton
  • St. Albert MLA Marie Renaud; and
  • AUPE VP Kevin Barry.

The Alberta government is looking for alternative ways to deliver the services to more than 200 people with disabilities, adults and children, in Calgary and Edmonton. Those alternatives could result in their care being handed over to corporations seeking to profit from their care and might result in them being moved from homes where they have lived for years or decades. The review would impact a number of homes, including Scenic Bow in Calgary, as well as Rosecrest, Hardisty, Woodvale and others in Edmonton.

“The current model of care is working well and there is no reason to change it. The residents don’t want it, the families and guardians don’t want it and the workers, who love and care for the residents, don’t want it,” he says.

“It’s a disgrace that this is even being considered as a way to save a few bucks while the government is giving away nearly $5 billion in tax breaks to already profitable corporations.”

  • WHEN: Noon, Tuesday, Oct. 27.
  • WHERE: Steps of the Alberta Legislature.


The guardians and Kevin Barry are available for interviews for media that cannot attend the rally.

For more information, contact Terry Inigo-Jones, communications officer, 403-831-4394.


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