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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

President Guy Smith responds to government calls for wage rollbacks

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: AUPE President Guy Smith responds to government calls for wage rollbacks

Oct 29, 2019

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: AUPE President responds to government calls for wage rollbacks

The Government of Alberta and Alberta Health Services have announced they will be seeking to rollback AUPE members’ wages by 2 per cent in the upcoming arbitration hearings.

“This is a direct attack on the livelihoods of front line workers and their families. This is a further hit to hard-working Albertans who have already tak en two years of zero wage adjustments,” said AUPE President Guy Smith.

“The UCP government angered AUPE members over the summer and fall with Bill 9, the Blue Ribbon Report, the recent budget, and potential attacks on pensions.

“The anger that has built up is now in danger of spilling out into the streets.

“Over 1,000 AUPE activists gathered at our recent convention in Edmonton. There, they unanimously endorsed a resolution to fully support any groups of members that take direct action against their employer.

“This serious decision was made in recognition that this government will stop at nothing to attack front line workers.

“This government is going to hear the loud, proud, united voice of working Albertans. We’re all in this together, and we intend to win.”



For more information, please contact:

Alexander Delorme, AUPE communications officer: 780-264-9274

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  • Media release

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