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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Payroll problems plague thousands of GoA workers

It’s vital that you report problems and file grievances

Jan 16, 2021

It’s vital that you report problems and file grievances

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In this update:

  • What’s the problem with 1GX?
  • Having problems? Here’s what to do
  • Help the fight by filling this survey

Payroll problems are hurting Government of Alberta workers, meaning thousands of AUPE members may be missing money that the employer owes them.

The introduction of the 1GX payroll system in December caused serious problems and your union is working to resolve them as quickly as possible, but we need to know from you exactly what problems you are experiencing.

What’s the problem with 1GX?

The reports we are getting from members is that the new system is unable to handle the complexities of a collective-bargaining agreement and a diverse workforce of more than 20,000 people doing very different jobs.

It appears to have problems in the following areas:

  • Calculating shift differentials. Some members are not being paid differential for some of the shift work they do or getting their weekend premium payments;
  • Calculating overtime. Some members are not being paid the correct amount for overtime or for working on statutory holidays;
  • Calculating wages for temporary employees. Some temporary workers aren’t getting paid for all the shifts they work. For example, some members have worked 100 per cent of 120 per cent of regular shifts in a pay period but have been paid for only 40 per cent;
  • Responding to leave or vacation requests. The 1GX system was originally supposed to respond to leave requests within four days, but was often unable to do so. That four-day requirement has since been dropped by the employer, which means members aren’t hearing in time if their requests are approved or denied;
  • Scheduling. The 1GX system seems ill-equipped to handle the variety and complexity of more than 1,000 schedules found in an organization of more than 20,000 employees in vastly different jobs, working very different hours;
  • On call duties. Calculating pay for being on call and being called back to work; and
  • Responding to questions or concerns. The 1GX system has a help desk, but the scale of the problems being experienced means help-desk operators are often too busy to offer assistance.

There may be other issues. Further down in this Member Update, you will have the opportunity to tell us how the 1GX problems have affected you.

Having problems? Here’s what to do

The employer says it’s working on fixing the problems and getting missing money paid to workers as quickly as possible.

We think the GoA introduced the new system before it was ready and has been too slow to address the issues.

We need to work together to keep the pressure on the employer to pay workers the money they are owed as soon as possible and to ensure the major system problems are solved as soon as possible.

It’s a slap I the face to you as front-line workers, especially with all you are doing in the middle of a pandemic and economic crisis, to ask you to endure this incompetence and chaos.

So, if you are having problems, we need you to do three things:

  • Report the problem to 1GX and get a ticket number;
  • Report the problem to your manager – in writing or by email; and
  • Report the problem to your Membership Services Officer (MSO) and file a grievance. You can do that by calling the Member Resource Centre (MRC) at 1-800-232-7284 or by clicking here.

Some managers have been discouraging members from reporting issues to anyone but themselves. Do not listen to them. It’s vital to report the problem in all three ways to ensure there is a paper trail, so it will be easier to pursue action. Filing a grievance will create extra pressure for the employer to act quickly.

We also need you to complete this short survey if you are having issues, to show us the scale of the chaos and that specific issues you are facing.

The survey will close on Feb. 15.

Please stay tuned to the website and your email for further updates.



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