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Participate in Convention by joining a committee!

Submit your application by August 31

Aug 18, 2023

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In AUPE’s second in-person Convention since the pandemic, more than a thousand union activists will come together to chart a path that amplifies the collective power and voices of workers in Alberta.

A valuable way to participate in this year’s Convention is by joining one of the committees that help make the event the meaningful and effective experience that it is.

You are invited (and encouraged!) to apply to be part of one of two important Convention committees this year.

Convention Scrutineers Committee

The Convention Scrutineers Committee is crucial to the election process at Convention. In addition to ensuring the proper registration of delegates and other guests, these committee members oversee all balloting processes during Convention, count standing votes, and assist members in using Election Buddy, the system we will use to vote electronically on resolutions and elections.

More details about the Scrutineers Committee’s role at Convention are listed in section 2-11 of the Convention Policies attached to this update.

Convention Sergeant-at-Arms Committee

The Convention Sergeant-at-Arms Committee ensures that credentialed delegates and other attendees are seated in the correct, designated areas. The committee helps to create an environment that is safe, harmonious and conducive to the important functions of Convention.

More details about the Sergeant-at-Arms Committee’s role at Convention are listed in section 2-14 of the Convention Policies attached to this update.

How to apply

If you are interested in a position on either of these committees, fill out and submit this form by August 31.

Please note that delegates and alternate delegates are not eligible to apply for these positions.

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  • Member update