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Park Place Seniors Living: We are fighting for COLA

Update for Local 047 Chapter 038, Park Place Seniors Living – Sprucewood Place and Villa Marguerite

Jul 11, 2024

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Your negotiating team met with the employer on June 18, 19, and 20 to exchange non-monetary proposals. We met again on June 25, 26, and 27 for monetary items. While we did sign off on several articles and letters of understanding (LOUs), we do not see eye to eye on the most important issues, such as inflation and wages that keep up with the costs of living. We will continue fighting for cost-of-living adjustments, or COLA.

Our employer acknowledged their problems with recruiting and retaining staff, but only offered a two per cent raise per year for four years. Keeping wages low will not fix our staff shortages and heavy workloads.

We made ourselves clear: the days of one per cent and two per cent raises are over. It’s not good enough. Their offer does not even match the Alberta Health Services salary package (especially for general support services workers). We know we deserve more.

We are essential. We work hard and should get wages and benefits that align with other staff in the industry who do similar work. We will not back down. We are currently waiting for our Essential Services Agreements (ESAs) to be completed before we head to mediation.

Offer summary

The employer fell short on offering us meaningful gains, but did propose:

  • Small improvements to shift differentials;
  • A wage increase from 1.5 time to double time for all stat holidays;
  • One additional bereavement day;
  • An agreement allowing temporary staff to accrue sick leave;
  • Faster vacation accrual;
  • $100 in a Health Spending Account;
  • An increase in LPN charge pay to $2.00;
  • An increase in prof fees covered from $350 to $450.

The items we signed off on, with changes, include:

  • Article 2 – Language limiting term length for temporary positions;
  • Article 6 – Reduced timelines for complaints about respect in the workplace;
  • Article 8 – Probationary dismissal now subject to grievance (but not arbitration) up to Step Three;
  • Article 10 – Provisions around unsuccessful candidates for employment openings;
  • Article 11 – Availability lists for shifts are now 60 days in advance instead of the previous, unwritten 90-day policy;
  • Article 18 – Truth and Reconciliation Day is now listed with Named Holidays;
  • Article 20 – Full reimbursement for Sick Notes;
  • Article 28 – The employer must tell AUPE about Letters of Warning, not just copies of suspensions or terminations.

Please contact your negotiating team if you have any questions.


Karen Chawa

Julie Drouin

Jane Maungoy


Darren Gangur, Negotiations

News Category

  • Bargaining updates


  • 047 - Continuing Care Separate Employers North

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