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Time for Action June Town Halls - All details

Michener members cheated out of income, we want to hear from you

AUPE is fighting the government at the ALRB and asking for back-pay

Sep 04, 2020

Attend the union meeting on September 14

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When the pandemic started, some staff gave up second jobs to remain at the Michener Centre and care for the residents you support. The employer, the Government of Alberta, did not give you a choice in the matter, demanding you choose the Michener over your other jobs.

How did the bosses repay you for your lost hours and income? They didn’t.

In fact, the government broke its own single-site order, which was supposed to protect staff and residents from harm by ensuring employers replace lost hours with regular and overtime hours. As a result of the government’s hypocrisy, some Michener members are suffering a significant financial losses during already tough economic times.

Fifty of you have come forward and emailed AUPE representatives, telling them about your experience. Some of you have been unable to pay important bills. Many of you are struggling to support your families. Others are at risk of permanently losing the second or third jobs the Michener bullied you into temporarily leaving.

In other words, the government is punishing you for your dedication, and AUPE is not going to stand for it. That’s why we:

  • Have filed a complaint with the Alberta Labour Relations Board (ALRB)
  • Are preparing a policy grievance
  • And are seeking damages for the employer’s recklessness by demanding Michener pay affected employees an amount equivalent to the income been deprived since April 7.

Talk to us

For us to increase our chances of success at the Labour Board, we need members who sacrificed jobs and lost hours and income to tell us your experience.

AUPE representatives will be in Red Deer on Monday, September 14 for an all-day info session. Drop by anytime between 8 am and 7 pm, whenever is best for you.

Monday, Sept. 14 

Radisson Red Deer

Banquet room:  "David Thompson West"

8 am – 7 pm

If you’re working on September 14, come before or after your shift – please do not come during work hours.

Your organizer, Dave Malka, and AUPE legal representative Bill Rigutto will be there to explain how we’re fighting the government at the Alberta Labour Relations Board and how you can help. Spread the word among your coworkers who may not be able to attend, but who’ve been harmed by the Michener’s violation of the single-site order.

Money matters

We know this is a tough time for a lot all of you. Working people across the province are struggling, and as some of the Albertans doing the riskiest work, by supporting your second family in continuing care, you deserve better than to be cheated by your own boss.

Don’t forget that AUPE has a Members' Benefits Benevolent Fund, which helps qualifying members who are facing financial emergencies To find out more about the fund, click here.

For more information:

Celia Shea, Communications 780-720-8122 or

Dave Malka, Organizing 780-231-1800 or

News Category

  • Member update


  • Government Services

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