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Member Update: YAC Highlighting Contributions of Young Organizers

The Young Activist Committee (YAC) of AUPE is looking for members under 30 who are standing up for themselves and their co-workers on the job!

Nov 18, 2020

Nominate your co-workers for recognition as great organizers!

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The Young Activist Committee (YAC) of AUPE is looking to highlight the organizing of members under 30 who are standing up for themselves and their co-workers on the job!

If the last year and a half has made anything clear, it’s that the only way for us to get through the mess that the UCP is creating is by sticking together, showing solidarity, and holding the line. In every worksite in the province where AUPE members work, we face challenges every day—both from the everyday reality of our jobs, and from the cuts and job-cremation chaos that Jason Kenney has created.

In every worksite in Alberta, we all know co-workers who we can depend on when the boss tries to take advantage of us. There are people willing to move mountains to fight for their co-workers, even when it would be easier to just keep their heads down and be passive. It’s that attitude that makes our workplaces safer and blunts the worst edges of the crisis we’re facing.

For young workers, in particular, fighting abuses at work can be frightening. Because you have less seniority, standing up to the boss can be nerve-wracking. But even with those added hurdles, we still see our young co-workers doing it every day, because we know it’s the only way to make our work-lives more manageable. Because that’s how we can win.

So, the YAC is looking to highlight the often-thankless work that young organizers are engaged in—the work of building power for themselves and their co-workers on the shop floor.

Do you know of AUPE members younger than 30 who are working hard to organize their co-workers? Do you see leadership potential in them? If so, please nominate them for the Spotlight on Young Activists initiative.

The YAC is looking to spotlightmembers in the leadup to Convention 2021. We will share a short biography and story of their union organizing on social media, and YAC will also recognize those organizers with a small gift of appreciation for participating.

Nominated members do not need to hold any official elected position within AUPE. They only need to be activists who exemplify AUPE leadership qualities at their worksite and with their co-workers.

Does that sound like members you know? Let us know about them by filling in the form below.

Send completed forms to YAC Chairperson Bobby-Joe Borodey,

News Category

  • Member update


  • Young activists committee

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